Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- LAN (local area network)
- advantages
- faster
- hardware needs to connect to your LAN
- router
- network interface card
- switch
- wireless acsess point
- erthernet cable
- disadvanteges
- slower connection
- WAN (wide area network)
- hardware needed to connect to a WAN
- a collection of networks are
connected over a large geographical
area (e.g internet)
- ways to connect to a WAN
- using mobile data
- advantages
- it can cover large areas
- disadvantages
- it has lots of security problems
- WPAN (wireless personal area network)
- pairing peripheral devices to a
computer system over a short
- Hardware needed to connect to WPAN
- ways to connect to WPAN
- using bluetooth
- advantages
- you can connect to other devices without a cable
- disadvanteges