

Mindmap am Matilda, erstellt von Pablo Fidalgo am 01/10/2018.
Pablo Fidalgo
Mindmap von Pablo Fidalgo, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Pablo Fidalgo
Erstellt von Pablo Fidalgo vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Chapter 1
    1. Where?:Home corner library
      1. Who?:Matilda,brother, Mom, Dad and Mrs. Phelps
        1. Matilda had a terrible family.She was very clever.When she had three year she can read and speak perfect.Her dad did not buy books for she so she decided go to the library.Days later she read all children books and start read famous books.
          1. When?:No dates
          2. Chapter 3
            1. When?:no dates
              1. Where?:house
                1. Who?:Matilda,brother,dad and mom
                  1. Matilda's dad came very angry one day, he destroyed Matilda's book. So she decided to scare her family. At the next day Matilda's dad came very happy because he sold 5 cars but Matilda said he lost money.
                  2. Chapter 2
                    1. When?:No dates
                      1. Where?:Dad's work and home
                        1. Matilda,Brother,Dad and Mom
                          1. Matilda's dad was a swindler.Matilda was angry with that.Her dad answered very ugly to her.
                          2. Chapter4
                            1. When?:No dates
                              1. Where?:School
                                1. Who?:Matilda,Teacher and 18 students.
                                  1. Matilda went first time to the school. She was very clever and her teacher was impresed.
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