Max Narrative


max vandenburg narrative notes story plot
Raven Fritz
Mindmap von Raven Fritz, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Raven Fritz
Erstellt von Raven Fritz vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Max Narrative
  1. Leaves the Hubermans house and leaves the note tries to get on train
    1. nazis catch him while on train with about 12 others
      1. forced to walk to a camp some people refuse they get shot
    2. Sees liesel while marching to camp
      1. tries to not acknowledge liesel
        1. takes a week of pain and suffering but makes it to the camp
          1. Forced to make weapons and tools for the camp
      2. Makes some friends in the camp
        1. his friends are 4 dudes near his age and 1 13 year old girl
          1. names are alexa,adam,asher,aaron,bart
            1. in the escape alexa and asher die
        2. planning the escape
          1. they kill the gaurds in the tower with a gun they steal
            1. they kill some gaurds before the escape starts
              1. make a hole in the fece and escape
                1. run into the forest and escape
          2. passes through mulching to get to a safe place
            1. passes 33 himmel street late at night
              1. hides with a family far away from mulching
                1. once holocauset is over he finds liesiel
            2. wont hurt anyone exept punching
              1. Alexa reminds him of liesel
                1. alexa dies he shoots the person that killed her
                  1. sad
              2. Camp is in Dachau
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