Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The New immigrants
- Ellis Island- New York
Harbor for entrance
into the US. Mostly
European immigrants
entered though here.
- Angel Island- San
Fransisco Bay-
Admission into US.
Mostly Asians and
Eastern Asians
entered through
- melting pot-
mixture of people
of different
cultures and races
which blended
together in US.
- As immigration
increased, strong
feelings emerged.
- nativism- favoritism
towards native-born
- Gave rise to many
anti-immigrant groups
and led to a demand for
immigrant restrictions
- One of these restrictions=
Chinese exclusion Act-
banned entry of all
Chinese except students,
teachers, merchants,
tourists, and gov. officials
- People got mad and
protested on this Act-
Theodore Roosevelt decided
to do something about it.
- Under Gentleman's
Agreement- Japan's
Gov. agreed to limit
emigration of
unskilled workers to
US in exchange for
repeal of San
Fransisco segregation
- Because of so many
immigrants coming from
China- Chinese exclusion
act was put- then
Gentlemen's agreement
was put which made
immigrants double. All this
means that cities need to
grow to be able to hold all
these people, so-
- This led to
Urbanization- or
growth of cities
- Since so many people were coming
from different countries and don't
know a word in english- they needed
jobs so in order to work and be helpful to the society-
- The Americanization
movement was designed-
assimilated people to
dominant culture. Schools
and programs were
- With Rapid Urbanization came
problems, immigrants who were
assimilated into the dominant cultures
wanted to live near work so they lived
- Tenements-
overcrowded and
multifamily urban
- Jacob Riis
- People needed to be at work on time.
With all this growth in population and in
city, people needed to get to where they
needed to be. A system called-
- mass transit was
transportation designed to
move large numbers of
people, which enabled
people to get to work
- Mass Transit was the
solution to one of the
problems of urbanization-
but, there were many.
Like, crime,
fire,sanitation, housing,
and water. One
movement was designed
to help all of these causes
- The social Gospel
Movement- preached
salvation through
service to the poor.
Many people were
inspired to help the
- One person that
was inspired by the
Social Gospel
movement was-
- Jane Adams- founded
Hull House in 1889 +
settlement houses.
- While Jane Adams helped
immigrants and poor/
pol.machines hurt the
- Although political
machines earned them a
job and a living, this was
all for exchange for their
choice of president.
- took control of cities
for some time.
- Once a political machine got
it's candidates into offices, it
could take advantage of
numerous opportunities for
- graft- the illegal use
of political influence
for personal gain..
- ex: in helping a person find work on
project for city, pol. machine could
ask worker to bill city for more than
cost of materials. Worker then"
kicked backed" portion of earnings to
- Many Bosses were political machines-
they used graft in their workers. A
specific "Boss" comes to mind when
hearing the word graft.
- Boss Tweed- William M.
Tweed- head of Tammany
Hall, in 1869. He led Tweed
Ring, a corrupt group of
politicians, in defrauding
the city.
- Boss Tweed also
used patronage in
leading his corrupt
group of politicians.
- patronage- giving
of government jobs
to people who
helped a candidate
get elected.
- The civil service job Boss
Tweed held used patronage.
- civil service-
administration jobs
- Civil service reform
made gradual
progress under
Presidents Hayes,
Garfield and Arthur
- R. Hayes-reformer. Spied on
customhouses (patronage) he
fired 2 big bosses. This enraged
Roscoe Conkling and Stalwarts.
- J. Garfield- reformer- shot. Angered
Stalwarts by giving reformers most
of his patronage jobs once elected.
- To balance out reformer-
vice pres Chester a. Arthur
was elected
- Chester Arthur-
turned into reformer
after Garfield died.
One of Conkling's
- urged legislators
to pass civil
service act
- Penleton civil Service Act- authorized
bipartisan cs commission to make
appointments to fed. jobs. through merit
system based on candidates
performance on examination.
- With PCSA- jobs became through
perfomace rather than campaign
contributions- so politicians turned to
wealthy buisiness owners. Bond with gov=
strong. Wanted higher tarrifs to gain
popularity. But Cleveland wanted
something else.
- Grover Cleveland- First
Democrat in 28 yrs. Tried
to lower tariffs but
congress wouldn't
support him.
- Grover wanted to run for reelection
but lost because of electoral college
- Benjamin Harrison- grandson of
William Henry Harrison. Signed
McKinley Tariff Act which raised
- Jobs in civil service
should go to skilled
workers. It shouldn't
matter what political
views people had.