
Yahir Barojas
Mindmap von Yahir Barojas, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Yahir Barojas
Erstellt von Yahir Barojas vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

      1. I, You, We, They
        1. 've got (have got)
          1. Example
            1. We have got moustache
        2. He, She, It
          1. ´s got (has got)
            1. Example. She´s got a parrot
        3. NEGATIVE FORM
          1. I, You We They
            1. haven´t got (have not got)
              1. Example
                1. I haven´t got rollerblades
            2. He She It
              1. hasn´t got (has not got)
                1. Example
                  1. She hasn´t got a cap
            3. Questions
              1. Have+ I, You, We, They + got+ complement+?
                1. Short answers
                  1. Yes,+ subject+ have
                    1. No,+subject+ haven´t
                    2. Example
                      1. Have you got a mobile phone? Yes, I have
                    3. Has+ He, She, It + got+ complement+?
                      1. Short answers
                        1. Yes,+ subject+ has
                          1. No,+subject+ hasn´t
                          2. Has he got a dog? No, he hasn´t
                      2. PLURALS
                        1. Rulers
                          1. Endings
                            1. S, SH, CH, X add ES
                              1. dress- dresses
                              2. f,fe cut f,fe and add ves
                                1. scarf- scarves
                                2. consonant + y = -y + ies
                                  1. candy- candies
                                  2. vowel + y add S
                                    1. boy- boys
                                    2. Others, + s
                                      1. skateboard- skateboars
                                  3. Irregular
                                    1. man-men woman-women person-people child - children
                                  4. POSSESSIVE CASE
                                    1. Regular plurals
                                      1. add ´afther the S
                                        1. example My dogs´names are...
                                      2. Names ending in S,
                                        1. add ´
                                          1. Luis´car
                                        2. Irregular plurals
                                          1. add ´S
                                            1. Your children´s bikes
                                          2. Two or more nouns
                                            1. add only the last´S
                                              1. Mary and Peter´s snake
                                            2. Siungular
                                              1. add ´S
                                            3. CAN
                                              1. Affirmative
                                                1. I, You, He, She, It, We, They + can + verb+ object
                                                  1. we can swim
                                                2. Negative
                                                  1. all pronouns + can´t ( cannot) + verb
                                                    1. I can´t cook
                                                  2. Questions
                                                    1. Can + I, You, He , She, It, We, They + verb +?
                                                      1. Short answer
                                                        1. Yes, (I, You, He, She, It, We, They) can
                                                          1. No, (I, You, He, She, It, We, They) can´t
                                                          2. Can you speak French?
                                                            1. Yes, i can
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