Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Ishmael
- Isaac
- Esau
- Jacob
- Fathers 12 sons.
- 12 Tribes of Israel
- favourite son
- jealous brothers sell him to slavery
- He's in the government (because of his visions)
- Joseph’s father & brothers join him in Egypt where they live long & happy lives
- Their descendants remain in Egypt where
they flourish as a distinct ethnic group
(called Hebrews)
- The Egyptian Pharaoh (Rameses II) began to fear their
strength & numbers, and so he enslaved them. Slavery in
Egypt is a dark period in Jewish history
- Moses
- Dynamic and charismatic
- Born Hebrew, raised by an Egyptian family
- Dissatisfied with Egyptian society
he headed for the desert where he
became a shepherd
- Had an encounter with a ‘burning bush’
- “I am the God of your father,
the God of Abraham, the God of
Isaac, and the God of Jacob” (Ex.
3:6) – release my people from
slavery in Egypt
- God sends 10 plagues to Egypt to convince
Pharaoh to liberate the Hebrew slaves
- The last, and most
devastating plague is death
to the first born son of each
- The Hebrews are protected
from the plague by marking
their doorposts with the blood
of a sacrificed lamb (according
to God’s command)
- Passover
- The Covenant between God +
Jewish people began when Abram
accepted God's offer.
- Was abram born in Ur in Babylonia
- Believed in Monotheism -
going agaisnt his family and
community beliefs