Zusammenfassung der Ressource
A million details
- it takes a beginning to create an end
- we celebrate an ending often as an achievement.
- why is the last step celebrated anymore than any of those along the way.
- the end of the race we break through the tape at the finishing line.
- we celebrate the destination and not the journey.
- maybe it's because we delay satisfaction for the steps leading to the finish until the end.
- winning a championship is the zenith for a season
- it's the start of an even greater disappointment
- more than likely the next year you will lose.
- most champions don't repeat as champs.
- even if they do, they face an even greater disappointment the season after.
- in victory you sow the seeds for the disappointment of defeat.
- those championship seasons get smaller in the rear view mirror in a hurry.
- it's as if you really floor the car into the future after celebrating a championship season.
- the reverse isn't true.
- losing doesn't have the way for Victory.
- look at all of the generations of Cubs, red Sox and Detroit lions fans who've gone to their graves without watching their teams win it all.
- both the Cubs and Red Sox won the world series after lengthy droughts
- the Lions may be another matter.
- last won in 1958.
- they have the curse of Bobby Layne.
- the Sox had the curse of the bambino
- the Cubs had some curse about a goat.
- is it worth it? hell yeah!