- pascals
principle and hydrolics
any change of pressure of a contained liquid is distributed evenly
Hydrstatic pressure
Blaise Pascal 1623 - 1662
Pressure is the ratio of force times area
Continuous system
Density and buoyancy
Archimedes (287 - 212 BC)
Father of Forensics
Archimedes Principle
The weight of fluid displaced in a body of water is equal to the
buoyant force on an immersed object
When an object is partially or toatllly emersed in fluid it experienes
an upthrust that equal to weight of fluid displaced
Upthrust (buoyancy) F(b)
Force acting upward
that reduces the weight
of the object
Apparent weight : measured when immersed in fluid
bouyant force is equal to the apparant weight loss
Effect on object in fluid
F(b) > W
object will rise
F(b) = W
Object will float
Weight of fluid displaced = weight of the object
F(b) < W
Object will sink
Volume of liquid displaced = weight of object
EXAMPLES and applications
measures relative density of liquids
Tube containing lead shots in a bulb at the end (to weigh it down) enough for it to float vertically
less dense
larger volume of water must re displaced for bouyant force to equalize
more hydrometer is submerged
more dense
smaller volume of water must be displaced for buoyant forces to equalize
less hydrometer submerged
Ballast tanks fill with water so that
the weight of the submarine is larger
than the volume of water displaced
ballast tank fills with air to make
the weight of the submarine
lsmaller than the volume of water
Hot air balloon
A ship will float because it has a large
buoyant force acting upon it despite
being crafted of metal (which has a
larger density than water. The shape is
hollow so that the overall density will
be less than the density of the fluid it is
Immersion variation
Effect of temprature on object submersion
warm water is more buoyant than cold is
that its molecules have more energy and
are moving around more. This makes
warm water less dense and it will rise
above denser, colder water.
Effect of liquid on submersion
Salt water has a higher density
Floating in the dead sea
ship may sink further if it enters freshwater and is overloaded
plimsoll line
indicates maximum weight
Had a Eureka moment when he
observed that the level of the
water in his bath increased when
he got in and realized he felt
lighter and used it to discover
the quality of the crown of King
Hiero II of Syracuse
Density of gold, 19.32 g/cm3
Density of silver 10.5 g/cm3
if a certain weight of
silver had been
substituted for the same
weight of gold, the crown
would occupy a larger
space than an identical
one of pure gold.