Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Early Atmosphere
- Evolution of atmosphere
- Phase 1
- Volcanoes gave out
Gases at the beginning
- 1) Earth's surface originally
molten for millions of years
and so any atmosphere
'boiled away into space'
- 2) Then a thin crust was formed
when things cooled down but
volcanoes kept erupting
- 3) Volcanoes gave out lots
of gases which is how
oceans were formed
- E.g. Carbon
dioxide and
water vapour
- 4) This theory suggests that the
atmosphere was mostly carbon
dioxide with little oxygen, like mars
and venus
- 5) Oceans formed when water
vapour condensed
- Phase 2
- A lot of CO2
dissolved into
the water
- Then marine creatures
formed and took in
some CO2
- When they died they were
buried under layers of sediment
and the CO2 became locked up
in carbonate rocks
- Plants started to
evolve and take in
CO2 and gave out
- This caused oxygen
levels to gradually
- Phase 3
- The build up of
oxygen killed off
some organisms but
allowed some to grow
and flourish
- The oxygen created the ozone layer
which blocked harmful rays from
the sun and allowed even more
complex organisms to evolve
- Very little CO2 left now (0.04%)
- Today's atmosphere
- Even today our
atmosphere is changing,
but there are only
theories why it is
- Human activity
- Burning fossil fuels
- releases CO2, and as the world grows more fossil fuels are burnt
- Deforestation
- Contributes to the increase of
CO2 because the trees that take
in CO2 are being chopped down.
- which means there is more
CO2 left in the atmosphere
- Livestock farming
- releases large amounts of
methane into the atmosphere.
- Animals produce this
when they pass wind
- Volcanic activity
- sulphur dioxide gas
reacts with sunlight,
water, oxygen and dust
to form volcanic smog
- CO2 is released through
volcanic eruptions
- However evidence
on evolution is
- We've learnt a lot about the
past atmosphere from
Antarctic ice cores.
- Each year a layer of ice
forms and bubbles of air
get trapped inside it and is
- However because no one
was there at that time to
record it , it is difficult to be
precise about how the
atmosphere has changed
- so some of it is guess work
- Investigation!!!
- Materials from the Earth
- 3 different types of rocks
- Sedimentary Rocks
- Formed
from layers
of sediment
laid down in
lakes or seas
- Over millions of years
the layers get buried
under more layers and
he weight pressing
down squeezes out the
- Fluids flowing through the
pores deposit natural
mineral cement
- e.g limestone and chalk,
they're also fossils because
the rock isn't formed at
high temperatures
- Limestone is used for
many purposes
- Used as a building material
- It is quarried out of
the ground to make
blocks to build with
- Limestone is virtually
insoluble in plain water,
but erode in acid rain
- When crushed up into
chippings limestone
can be used for road
- Limestone also is used for
other building materials
- Powdered limestone heated
in a kiln with powdered clay
makes cement
- Mix the cement with
sand, water and gravel to
make concrete
- heat limestone with sand and
sodium carbonate until it melts to
make glass
- Positives and
negatives of limestone
- Positives
- Provides housing, roads, dyes,
paints and medicines
- It can neutralise acidic
soil and the acidity of
lakes and rivers caused
by rain soil
- Used in power stations
to neutralise sulphur
- Provides jobs
- Negitives
- Quarrying makes big holes
which permantently change
the landscape
- Creates noises
and dust during
processes in quiet
- Destroys habitats
- the limestone needs
to be transported
away in lorries,
causing pollution and
- When disposed it
creates unsightly
- They're both are
easily broken away
by wind, rain and
waves, this is called
- Metaphoric rocks
- formed under heat and
pressure on sedimentary
or igneous rocks over
long periods of time
- As long as the rocks don't melt
they are metaphoric, but if they
melt into magma, they're gone
(but may resurface as igneous
- E.g. Marble (formed from limestone or
chalk), very high temps break down the
limestone and it reforms as small crystals ,
making marble harder
- Igneous rocks
- Igneous rocks form when molten
magma pushes up into the crust before
cooling and solidifying and contain
different minerals. there are 2 types
- Extrusive igneous rocks cool
forming SMALL crystals
- E.g. Basalt, rhyolite
- Intrusive igneous rocks
BIG crystals
- E.g. granite and gabbro
- Atoms and mass in chemical reactions
- Atoms aren't
lost or made in
- Elements and
compounds are made
of atoms, and these
are what take part in
- During reactions things
don't appear or
- You still have the same atoms from
the beginning of the reaction at the
end, they're just arranged to give
new products with new properties
than the reactants
- Balanced symbol
equations shows the
atoms at the start and
at the end (the
reactants and the
products), and how
they are arranged
- The total
before and
after a reaction
is unchanged
- If you do a reaction in a
sealed container, the total
ass before and after
doesn't change
- This can be shown through a
precipitate reaction
- A precipitation reaction when 2
solutions react and an insoluble
solid forms
- Nothing should escape
from the flask so the mass
before and after the mass
should be the same, no
mass is lost or gained
- Balancing equations
- You need to do this
to show the change
of properties from
the reactants to the
products, but since
atoms cant disappear
you need to numbers
in front of the
formulas where
- 1) Find the element that doesn't balance and put a
number in that would work and see if you can balance
it on the other side
- if it doesn't try another
number and continue
doing trial and error until
you get it
- Don't forget the state symbols!
(s) -solid, (l) -liquid, (g )-gas, (aq)
- Dissolved in water