
Mindmap am NORTHANGER ABBEY, erstellt von maria taynan am 12/11/2018.
maria taynan
Mindmap von maria taynan, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
maria taynan
Erstellt von maria taynan vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

        1. She is a kind of imaginative, sometimes a bit ridiculous, but always very kind and sweet. She is also inexperienced and naive, and young.
          1. mistakes fiction for reality
          2. JAMES MORLAND
            1. He is a kind brother and son.
            2. MR MORLAND
              1. MRS MORLAND
              2. TILNEYS
                1. HENRY TILNEY
                  1. He is witty, charming, intelligent, opinionated, and also really, really full of it
                  2. ELEANOR TILNEY
                    1. She's reserved, polite and earnest.
                    2. GENERAL TILNEY
                      1. He is a snob of the worst kind and treats those of a lower social standing than himself with disdain and rudeness.
                      2. CAPITAIN FREDERIK TILNEY
                        1. His behavior is a little bit selfish and is a seducer
                      3. THORPES
                        1. ISABELLA THORPE
                          1. She is the young woman who behaves scandalously and is wildly entertaining and even hilarious while doing it.
                          2. JOHN THORPE
                            1. He is loud, rude, a bit dimwitted, blustering, and really tricky
                          3. ALLENS
                            1. MRS ALLEN
                              1. MR ALLEN
                            2. PLACES
                              1. BATH
                                1. NORTHANGER
                                  1. FULLERTON
                                  2. THEMES OF
                                    1. SOCIETY AND CLASS
                                      1. MONEY MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND
                                        1. MARRIAGE
                                        2. FAMILY
                                          1. RICH
                                            1. POOR
                                              1. BELIEFS
                                                1. BEHAVIOUR
                                                2. YOUTH
                                                  1. IMMATURE
                                                    1. GROWING UP
                                                      1. MATURE
                                                      2. FRIENDSHIP
                                                        1. FALSE FRIENDS
                                                          1. TRUE FRIENDS
                                                          2. LIES AND DECEIT
                                                            1. Everyone either lies or is being lied to in Northanger Abbey.
                                                              1. the frustrating parts of becoming an adult.
                                                                1. Working through deceit and uncovering it is a crucial part of the novel's plot.
                                                                2. LOVE
                                                                  1. Love is generally pretty hilarious in Northanger Abbey, in all its forms:
                                                                    1. FRIENDLY
                                                                      1. ROMANTIC
                                                                        1. FAMILY
                                                                    2. MARKER OF THE GOTHIC
                                                                      1. THE ABBEY ITSELF
                                                                        1. Mystery and Suspicion
                                                                          1. an old chest
                                                                            1. a mysterious manuscript
                                                                              1. a secret passageway
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