Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Family Types
- The Nuclear Family
- Parents and children living
together in one family
- Sometimes known as
the 2 generated family
- Gay and Lesbian
- Same sex couples
with children
- Bean Pole Families
- A multigeneration extended family (long and thin)
- Few aunts, uncles and cousins-
fewer children being born in
generation but people living longer
- Lone Parent Family
- Single parent families
- Reconstituted Family
- One or both
partners have been
married before,
they bring their
children from a
previous marriage
- Step mother, step
father, step children
- Cohabiting couple
- Unmarried people
living together
- Empty nest family
- All children left house
- Household
- A group of people living at the same
address and sharing living arrangements
- Foster care and
children's homes
- Some children are looked after by local authorities and brought up by foster parents or in children's homes