Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- What are the causes and effects of
increasing global demand for energy?
- The Global Demand for
Energy is increasing
- Technological advances have
created loads of new devices that
all need energy, e.g. computers,
mobile phones and MP3 players.
These are becoming more popular
so more energy is needed.
- In 2000 the world
population was just over
6 billion and its projected
to increase to just over 9
billion in 2050 - more
people means more
energy is needed.
- Producing more energy has lots of impacts
- Environmental Impacts
- Burning fossil fuels releases
carbon dioxide. This adds to
global warming. Global Warming
causes sea levels to rise, cause
more severe weather and force
species to move (to find better
conditions) or make them
- Burning fossil fuels also releases
other gases that dissolve in water
in the atmosphere and cause acid
rain (sulphur dioxide)
- Gathering wood for
fuel can cause
Removing trees
destroys habitats for
animals and plants.
- Social Impacts
- The waste from nuclear power
plants is radioactive. If it leaks
out it can cause major health
- More power plants will have to be built
to increase energy production - this
means they will need a lot of space.
People may have to move out of an area
so a power plant can be built.
- Increasing energy production will
increase jobs.
- Economic Impacts
- Countries with lots of energy
resources, e.g. lots of coal, will
become richer as energy demand
increases - countries with few
resources will need to buy energy
from them.
- Globalisation and Food Supply
- Producing More Food and
Importing Food has Lots of
- Environmental Impacts
- Transporting food
produces Carbon Dioxide
- To produce
more food
some farmers
use marginal
land (land
that's not
suitable for
- Imported food have to
be transported a long
way so have high food
miles and a large
carbon foot print. A
large carbon footprint
means more C02 and
more global warming
- Social Impacts
- Some farmers are
switching from
subsistence faming
(where food is produced
for their family) to
commercial farming
(where food is produced
to sell). This is because
they can make more
money - quality of life
- Ecomonic Impacts
- Using chemicals
(e.g., fertilizer and
pesticides) help to
produce a lot of
food - however they
are expensive
- Wind Farms - Advantages and Disadvantages