Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Principles of Marine Biology
- Climate & Earth
- age: 4.6 billion years
- climate shifts due to changes in atmospheric composition
- oxygen level
- oxygen since 2.5 by
- 1 % during boring billion (2-1 bya)
- today 21 %
- minimum CO2: ~ 180 ppm
- maximum CO2: ~ 280 ppm
- today's CO2: > 400 ppm like 25 mya
- major processes of CO2 uptake
- weathering
- diatom growth
- biological carbon pump
- amounts of carbon
- atmosphere: ~ 800 gt
- land biota: 550 gt
- ocean biota: 3 gt
- warming easier than cooling
- LGM: 20,000 years ago
- sea level + 130 m
- Evolution
- Selection
- bottom-up
- physico-chemical properties of environment
- top-down
- mortality due to grazers and predators
- phytoplankton
- no space holding
- defence driving speciation
- benthic and terrestrial plants
- space holding
- growth driving speciation
- speciation
- allopatric
- spatial separation, inbreeding impossible
- sympatric
- no separation, but no sexual interaction (e.g. because of mutation in sex organs)
- shapes of plankton
- 3 P's
- pathogens
- predators
- parasites
- Biological carbon pump
- air/sea CO2 exchange
- phytoplankton growth
- death
- microbial decomposition
- respiration
- nutrient cycles
- nutrients
- macro-
- C, O, H, N, S, P, Si, K, Na, Cl
- micro-
- Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Mo, Co, I etc.
- Fe
- key limiting nutrient
- HNLC-regions
- high nutrient, low chlorophyll
- upwelling regions
- high N and P conc.
- limited PP growth
- subarctic Pacific
- equatorial Pacific
- entire Southern Ocean
- iron fertilization experiments
- deep C export due to induced PP blooms
- 3 Mio t FeSO4/y would be needed
- production
- new
- based on nitrate uptake
- accumulation of biomass
- bloom of phytoplankton
- regenerated
- based on remineralisation
- no increase in biomass
- greatest part of oceanic production
- nitrogen cycle
- N2-fixation
- denitrification
- nitrification
- nitrogen excretion
- zooplankton feeding on phytoplankton
- respiration
- vertical migration
- faeces
- death
- microbial decomposition
- respiration
- Plankton
- Phytoplankton
- Cyanobacteria
- Prochlorococcus (Chl. b)
- Synechococcus
- colonial genera
- Trichodesmium
- Anabaena
- Nostoc
- Diatoms
- diplpoid
- no flagellae
- chitin bristles
- cell wall of amorphous silica
- shape
- pennate
- raphid
- slid in cell wall used for locomotion
- araphid
- centric
- 40-50 % of marine primary production
- toxic for some animals
- release aldehyde when ingested
- Haptophytes/Prymnesiophytes
- nanoflagellates
- Phaeocystis
- ~ 10 species
~ 3 make colonies
start life at the
spines of
- Coccolithophorids
- calcaerous plates
- calcite
- Dinoflagellates
- mixotrophic
- haploid
- sexual and asexual reproduction
- 3 feeding modi
- direct engulfment
- peduncle feeding
- palium feeding
- toxic species
- harmful algal blooms
- Protozooplankton
- Kitenoplastids/Bodonids
- Choanoflagellates
- heterotrophic nano-/and
- Tintinnids
- ciliates; can't be digested, protein can't be broken down
- Choreotrichs
- Mesodinium
- Radiolaria
- internal silica skeleton
- much older than diatoms
- Acantharia
- celestite skeleton
- well protected
- predators
- Foraminifera
- hundreds of benthic, ~46
planktonic species
- calcite/aragonite
- diploid
- sexual reproduction, not only sexual phase!
- lunar cycle
- us. predators
- Metazooplankton
- Copepods, Euphausiids, Coelenterata, Ctenophores, Tunicates, Pteropods, Chaetognaths etc.
- Copepods
- cosmopolitan genera
- Pseudocalanus, Oithona,
Euchaeta, Calanus, Metridia, Acartia, Centropages
- 6 nauplii and 6 copepodid stages
- about 2/3 muscles: thoracopods
- 2 types
- watery
- muscular
- Cladocerans (Daphnids)
- parthenogenetic
- filter-feeders
- slow swimmers
- 3 marine genera
- Penilia
- Evadne
- Podon
- Euphausiids
- shrimp-like, e.g. krill
large swarms
- Pteropods
- pelagic gastropods
- aragonite shells
- size classes
- pico: 0.2-2 µm
nano: 2-20µm
micro: 20-200 µm
meso: 0.2-20 mm
macro: 2-20 cm
mega: 20-200 cm
- Magic numbers in the biosphere
- glacial/interglacial conc.
- CO2: 180-290 ppmv
- CH4: 350-650 ppbv
- Redfield ratios
- Pelagic C:N:P
- 106:16:1
- deep-sea DOC conc.
- 42 µmol/l
- surface ocean bacterial vol.
- 10^6/ml
- virus:bacteria ratio
- 10:1
- non-sea-salt-sulphate (biogenic) flux to Antarctica
- 3 mg/m2 y