
Mindmap to study the unit about plants,
Blanca Francisco
Mindmap von Blanca Francisco, aktualisiert vor 11 Monate
Blanca Francisco
Erstellt von Blanca Francisco vor etwa 6 Jahre
1 2 3 4 5 (2)

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

      1. 1. Roots absorb water
        1. 2. Stem transports water and minerals
          1. xylem
          2. 3. Leaves: water + minerals+ carbon dioxide + solar energy
            1. 4. Produce glucose (good) and oxygen (to the air)
              1. 5. Glucose is transported around the plant
                1. during the day
                2. PLANT RESPIRATION
                  1. take in oxygen
                    1. release carbon dioxide
                      1. during the night
                    2. REPRODUCTION
                      1. FLOWERING PLANTS
                        1. Angiosperm
                          1. flower and fruit
                            1. seeds
                            2. Gymnosperms
                              1. don't produce fruits
                                1. seeds inside cones
                              2. NON-FLOWERING PLANTS
                                1. reproduce with spores
                                  1. mosses and ferns
                                2. POLLINATION
                                  1. SEXUAL PLANT REPRODUCTION
                                    1. Flowering plants
                                      1. Stamen
                                        1. male
                                          1. filament
                                            1. anther
                                              1. pollen
                                            2. Pistil
                                              1. female
                                                1. Ovary
                                                  1. ovules
                                                  2. style
                                                    1. stigma
                                                2. ASEXUAL PLANT REPRODUCTION
                                                  1. flowering plants
                                                    1. stolons
                                                      1. rhyzomes
                                                        1. tubers
                                                        2. Non-flowering plants
                                                          1. spores
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