Recent developments in GPCR signalling


Undergraduate BMS 301 Mindmap am Recent developments in GPCR signalling, erstellt von Kristi Brogden am 10/11/2014.
Kristi Brogden
Mindmap von Kristi Brogden, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Kristi Brogden
Erstellt von Kristi Brogden vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Recent developments in GPCR signalling
  1. Signalling pathway activated by a receptor in a cell is context specific
    1. In different cells in the body or in the same cell at different times, different things are happening
      1. Results in greater control over physiological outcome
      2. Specific signalling is regulated by
        1. Adaptor proteins
          1. Scaffold proteins
            1. Play an important role in bringing receptors together with certain pathways
            2. Lipids (Association with rafts/lipid microdomains)
              1. Endocytosis
                1. Splicing
                  1. Post-translational modifications
                  2. Regulation through interacting proteins
                    1. RAMPS
                      1. GRKs
                        1. 7 types
                        2. B-arrestins
                          1. 4 types
                          2. RGS proteins
                          3. Therapeutic potential of agonist-biased signalling
                            1. Does μ-opioid receptor (MOR) desensitization and trafficking have any role in tolerance?
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