Zusammenfassung der Ressource
United Nations
- What does the UN symbol stand for?
- The olive branches are a symbol of peace
- The world map represents all the people in
the world
- Aims
- Maintaining international peace and security
- Promoting human rights
- Fostering social and economic developement
- Protecting the environment
- Providing humanitarian aid
- Famine
- Natural Disaster
- Armed Conflict
- Organisation of the UN
- General Assembly
- Security Council
- Economic and Social Council
- Secretariat
- International Court of Justice
- The primary judicial organ
- Providing studies, information and facilities needed by UN
- Promoting international economic and
social co-operation and developement
- Deciding certain resolutions for peace and security
- Main deliberative assembly
- Reasons for formation of the UN
- The ineffectiveness of the League of Nations
- For the prevention of terrible armed conflicts like the World Wars
- Failures
- The Massacre of Srebrenica
- 1995 Bosnian War
- Srebrenica designated as a UN safe zone
- UN Peacekeeping force of 600 Dutch soldiers were put in place.
- Serbs surrounded the safe zone with military personnel.
- With the safe zone surrounded, the UN force ran low of ammunitions , fuel and food.
- Resulted in the incapability to stop the Serbian forces
- Serbs invade Srebrenica
- Bosnian refugees fled to the UN compound in Potocari
- To seek refuge from the Serbian forces
- Serbs entered the camp, raping women
and murdering freely, while the Dutch
forces did nothing.
- Serbs VS Bosniaks
- Successes
- 2006 East Timor Crisis
- Dispute within the East Timor military
- Soldiers from the
western parts of
the country claimed
to be discriminated
- A total of 581 soldiers deserted their barracks on 8 February
- On 24 April, the former soldiers and
their civilian supporters marched
through the capital in protest
- UN sent a peacekeeping force to maintain peace
- How does Singapore contribute to the UN?
- Dr Tommy Koh
- Chaired the Law of the Sea Conference
- Guiding the conflicting
self-interests of
countries to reach a
sensible final
- Security Council
- Disarmament and International Security
- World Health Organisation
- Asian Development Bank
- International Monetary Fund
- Non-Aligned Movement
- How does Singapore benefit from UN membership?
- Recognition
- Good relations
- Trade Abundance
- Singapore is known as a trading hub in South-East Asia
- Diplomatic ties with Malaysia and Indonesia
- Member of UN Security Council