passive observation vs active experiment


Mindmap am passive observation vs active experiment, erstellt von charlotte.ingles am 12/11/2014.
Mindmap von charlotte.ingles, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von charlotte.ingles vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

passive observation vs active experiment
  1. Passive Observation examples
    1. Milk maids didn’t fall ill because of small pox gave idea to vaccinate and save thousands of lives using cow pox.
      1. Observation of eclipse produced knowledge, however been around a while and no one knew how or what to do with it , where or how to look for it. The knowledge came before the prediction which also exist previous to the prediction
        1. Watching TV, colour pink, influence what we think of girls associate them to colour pink
        2. Active Learning Examples
          1. In class
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