Technologies that have increased our understanding of Prokaryotic organisms


Mindmap am Technologies that have increased our understanding of Prokaryotic organisms, erstellt von kieran.fercher am 09/08/2013.
Mindmap von kieran.fercher, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von kieran.fercher vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Technologies that have increased our understanding of Prokaryotic organisms
  1. Electron Microscope
    1. How has the electron microscope increased the understanding of scientists regarding prokaryotic organisms?
      1. The electron microscope showed the internal workings of the cells and the structure of bacterial cell walls. This lead to the understanding that prokaryotic organisms did not contain a nucleus or other membrane organelles.
        1. Main features of the electron microscope
          1. An electron microscope has greater resolving power than a light microscope, They can achieve better than 50 pm resolution and magnifications of up to about 10,000,000x
            1. An electron microscope uses an electron beam to illuminate a specimen and produce a magnified image.
              1. The electron microscope uses electrostatic and electromagnetic lenses to control the electron beam and focus it to form an image.
          2. Deep sea submersible ALVIN.
            1. How has ALVIN increased the understanding of scientists regarding prokaryotic organisms?
              1. When ALVIN explored the hydrothermal vents in the mid-Atlantic ridge, it sampled larger organisms that were found but also bacterial mats that were on the surfaces on the surrounding rocks. It was found that these bacteria were different from those that were currently known. This led to scientists sampling bacteria in other extreme environments such as hot springs, acid pools and saline lakes.
                1. Main features of ALVIN
                  1. ALVIN was made as a replacement for bathyscaphes and other less maneuverable oceanographic vehicles. Its nimble design was made possible by the development of syntactic foam, which is buoyant ant strong enough to serve as a structural material at greater depths of the ocean.
                    1. The submersible features two robotic arms and can be fitted with mission-specific sampling and experimental gear.
                      1. The vessel weighs 17 tons. It allows for two scientists and one pilot to dive for up to nine hours at 4,500 metres (14,800 ft).
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