Zusammenfassung der Ressource
VCE Unit 3 Psychology - Research Methods
- Sample and Population
- Sample
- A subset or part of a larger group chosen to be studied for research purposes.
- Population
- Experimental Research
- Variables
- Independent
- Dependent
- Estraneous
- Identifying extraneous and potential confounding variables
- Individual participant differences
- Placebo effect
- Experimenter effect
- Order effect
- Non-standardised procedure
- Ways of minimising extraneous and confounding variables
- Participant selection and allocation
- Participant selection
- Random sampling
- Biased sample
- Convenience sampling
- Stratified sampling
- Stratified-random sampling
- Representative sample
- Participant allocation
- Random allocation
- Counterbalancing
- Single-blind procedures
- Double-blind procedures
- Placebos
- Standardised instructions and procedures
- Use of an appropriate experimental research design
- Independent groups
- Repeated measures
- Matched participants
- Confounding
- Experiment
- Experimental groups
- Control groups
- Types of Research Methods
- Observational study
- Self-report
- Case study
- Cross-sectional study
- Experiment
- Types of Data
- Secondary
- Primary
- Qualitative
- Quantitative
- Organising, Presenting and Interpreting Data
- Conclusions and generalisations
- Conclusion
- Generalisation
- Reliability and validity
- Validity
- Reliabilty
- Research Hypothesis
- Steps in Psychological Research
- Step 1 Identify the research topic
- Step 2 Formulate the research hypothesis
- Step 3 Design the research
- Step 5 Analyse the data
- Step 6 Interpret and evaluate the results
- Step 4 Collect the data
- Step 7 Report the research and findings
- Replication