Zusammenfassung der Ressource
History- Chapter 2- Celtic
- The Celts came from Southern Germany, Austria & Switzerland &
conquered the Bronze Age people
- There is no evidence to suggest that there was ever an invasion.
- Tribes from Europe: Keltoi by the Greeks
- Tribes from Rome: Gauls
- Neither Greeks nor Romans
could see a difference between
the tribes in Northern Europe
so they called the tribes in the
north Keltoi or Gauls
- The artwork of the Celts
from La Tène in Switzerland
is the same as the typical
Irish Celtic designs
- The Celts arrived
in Ireland
sometime after
500 BC & became
the dominant
- The main
reason they
became so
powerful is
because they
used iron
instead of
- The main reason they used iron
instead of bronze is because it
was much easier to find. Tin was
quite rare and had to be brought
in from England
- Because iron was much more widespread
throughout Europe, the period between 500 BC
and AD 400 is called the Iron Age.
- How do we know about the Celts?
- Celtic myths & legends were
recorded in much later writings
after AD 400 by Christian monks.
- Descriptions of Celtic
tribes & warriors by
Roman writers such as
Julius Caesar & Greek
writers such as
Diodorus, Herodotus &
- Celtic remains
- The Celts were generally tall & fair.
Both men & women let their hair
grow long & the men grew
beards/moustaches. The men wore
trousers called bracae & all their
clothes were died using berries &
plants. Their clothes were made
from wool & their shoes were
made from leather. During the
winter months Celtic men &
woman wore great woollen cloaks
around them which could double
as blankets at night. The Celts liked
to wear jewellery. Golden torcs,
necklaces & brooches for fastening
their clothes have been found by
archaeologists. When going into
battle men liked to paint their
bodies with a dye calledwoad & the
brushed lime into their hair to
make it hard & spiky.
- The Celts were farmers
- Cattle was their most important livestock.
- The more cattle you
had, the wealthier you
were said to be.
- The Celts were famous for having huge feasts.
- They would of drank beer & mead which
was a drink made. from honey
- The greatest warrior at the feast got the best part of the
meal. This was called the hero's portion. There was often
conflict deciding who was the greatest warrior.
- Tuatha: Kingdoms
- Ri: King
- Derbfine: Royal Family
- Aos Dána: Nobles
- Brehons: Judges
- Druids: Priests
- Fili: Bards
- Tánaiste: Successor
to the king
- The Celltic society were far more
developed. Ireland was divided
into 150 tuatha & each one was
ruled by a ri who was head of the
derbfine. When the king died he
was replaced by a Tánaiste who
was elected by either agreement
or by defeating all other
opponents. The next most
important people were the Aos
Dána. They were made up of
landowners, warriors & educated
& skilled people.
- Warriors were highly respected
- Brehons insured the Brehon Laws. They were also responsible
for settling any disputes in the tuath.
- The Druids were responsible for performing any religious ceremony &
for crowning the king. They were also responsible for making potions
to heal the sick