Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Mining
- Mine reclamation: A
mine is converted
back into a usefull
space for the
immediate area
- Steps: 1.Install
drains 2. Deposit
topsoil 3. reeseed
with selfsustaining
seed mixture
- Depletion Time:
Time frame where
80% of the mineral
resources are
predicted to be
- Open pit/Surface
mining: Removes
shallow deposits
- Acid mine
Drainage: polluted
water with acid
from mine metals
- Fracking
- Shooting water
between shale
layers in order
to release
natural gas
- Can cause aquifer
seismic activity
- System began a while ago, however we are
only just now experiencing the
environmental effects
- Non Renewable
- Coal and other fossil
fuels have always been
the overall main fuel
- Combustion is used to
produce steam to power
- Change is the usage of energy sources over time
- Coal has decreased
- Nuclear has stayed around the same
- Natural gas has increased
- Renewable enrergy overall has increased