Energy Sources


11th grade Environmenal Science Mindmap am Energy Sources, erstellt von Maria Lane am 09/02/2019.
Maria Lane
Mindmap von Maria Lane, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Maria Lane
Erstellt von Maria Lane vor fast 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Energy Sources
  1. Mining
    1. Mine reclamation: A mine is converted back into a usefull space for the immediate area
      1. Steps: 1.Install drains 2. Deposit topsoil 3. reeseed with selfsustaining seed mixture
      2. Depletion Time: Time frame where 80% of the mineral resources are predicted to be depleted
        1. Open pit/Surface mining: Removes shallow deposits
          1. Acid mine Drainage: polluted water with acid from mine metals
          2. Fracking
            1. Shooting water between shale layers in order to release natural gas
              1. Can cause aquifer contaminationand seismic activity
                1. System began a while ago, however we are only just now experiencing the environmental effects
                2. Non Renewable
                  1. Coal and other fossil fuels have always been the overall main fuel source
                    1. Combustion is used to produce steam to power turbines
                      1. Change is the usage of energy sources over time
                        1. Coal has decreased
                          1. Nuclear has stayed around the same
                            1. Natural gas has increased
                              1. Renewable enrergy overall has increased
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