conventional production methods of cotton for jeans production


Mindmap am conventional production methods of cotton for jeans production, erstellt von Dominik W. am 21/11/2014.
Dominik W.
Mindmap von Dominik W., aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Dominik W.
Erstellt von Dominik W. vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

conventional production methods of cotton for jeans production
  1. health
    1. consumer
      1. allergies
        1. headache
        2. fabric worker
          1. bad working conditions
            1. black lung
              1. chemicals
            2. enviroment
              1. consumption of raw materials
                1. water
                  1. cotton
                    1. energy
                    2. chemicals
                      1. CO2
                        1. sulfite
                          1. bleaching intrigents
                          2. shipping
                          3. economy
                            1. fast fashion
                              1. consumer
                              2. high amount of waste
                                1. throw-away culture
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