Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Cash Flow
- Cash is vital for a
- Cash is not just in
notes and coins. It
is money in the
- You need money
to pay for your
business rent and
pay the regular
bills and staff
wages monthly.
- Cash Flow is the flow
of money going in and
out of a business.
- Inflows is the
cash that is
flowing into a
- For example, An inflow would be
putting money into the business
account from my own personal
account to boost the business.
- Another example would be if I
took out a small business lown
that would be an inflow.
- Another inflow is the
money that the
business recieves
from selling products
or its services.
- Outflows is the cash
that is going out of the
- An example of an outflow would
be the money you have to pay
out in staff wages.
- Another example of an outflow
is the money your business
would pay in Telephone, Gas,
Electricity and Rent bills.
- Another outflow wouid be
the cost of adveristment.
- Outflows are the payments of
the business that go directly to
people or other business or
- Key Words:
- Cash - Notes, Coins and Money in the
- Cash Flow - The flow of cash into and
out of a business
- Inflow - The cash flowing into a business in receipts.
- Outflow - The cash flowing out of a business (Payments)