Auschwitz (Out-With)


Auschwitz Information Mindmap (BSP)
CHUA ZHE LEI student
Mindmap von CHUA ZHE LEI student, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
CHUA ZHE LEI student
Erstellt von CHUA ZHE LEI student vor etwa 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Auschwitz (Out-With)
    1. Most infamous Nazi German concentration camp
      1. It is near the city of Krakow in Poland
        1. POLAND
        2. There were gas chambers in the camp which were used to execute those capitve in the camp
          1. Bruno and Shmuel were killed in these gas chamber
          2. Most people there were Jews and P.O.W.
            1. WWII
              1. ALLIES
                1. AXIS
                2. NAZI GERMANY
                3. Bruno cannot pronounce Auschwitz properly so he says "Out-With"
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