Zusammenfassung der Ressource
An even
worse way to
go - Pugh
- "waits for death to
come near". Tech:
metaphor, 'near' =
preposition and irony.
- Metaphor as death can't move. The man cab't do anything else in his condition but wait for death.
- 'near' suggests that death is there already, just a little way off.
- It's ironic that death will come near him but no one else will - not his sexual partners or his nurses/doctors.
- "mercy's face
is masked".
- 'mercy' = kind people who are trying to treat him still think negatively of him.
- 'masked' = literal meaning is hospital attire. Could be a link to the beak-shaped masks worn by plague doctors to protect them from the infected.
- People being masked portrays the idea of distance between the patient and those around him. An emotional mask creates an emotional distance between people, while a physical mask creates physical distance.
- "handed at arm's length". Tech: verb.
- People don't want to be close to him. There's a separation between him and the healthy.
- "which of his kin would kiss him:
which friend share his sheets?".
Tech: rhetorical question,
- The question tells us no one wants to be close to him now. His sleeping around left him alone.
- Sibilance of the 's' in "share" and "sheets". Conveys his bitterness or creates a sad and solitary tone.
- "guant face". Tech: adjective.
- He looks ill - like death/disease as a person. He's emaciated.
- "face is the fear that walked the
plague years". Tech: metaphor.
- Link to the plague supports earlier analysis of "mercy's face is masked".
- Maybe Pugh is implying that AIDS is like a new plague. Or at least that AIDS is as terifying as the plague or that the character looks so ill as if he was a sufferer of the plague.
- "vast black hole of aloneness". Tech: metaphor,
adjective, semantic field of astronomy.
- "vast" = adjective. Implies the distance bewteen the AIDS sufferer and other people.
- "black hole" = semantic field of astronomy. Black hole is a vaccum which you can't escape (like he can't escape death). He feels engulfed/swallowed up by solitude. Black hole could also be symbolic of his grave that he's being sucked into.
- "sleep alone for ever." Tech:
metaphor, 'for ever' adverb and
structural point (poem's ending).
- By avoiding sleeping alone he's actually shortened his time alive and brought the eternity of aloneless nearer.
- It ends the poem to increase the feeling of finality.
- "casual contacts, brief
warmth". Tech: hard
alliteration of 'c',
appeals to the sense of
- The hard alliteration fo the 'c' sound in "casual" and "contacts" hints at Pugh's attitude towards the character's promiscuity.
- "brief" makes the reader feel sad for the character and is slightly more sympathtic on Pugh's part. However, it's still a harsher word than 'fleeting' for instance.
- "warmth" appeals to the sense of touch. The persona needed human contact to live.
- "casual", "brief" and "short".
- These word choices all indicate the limited lengths of intimacy he was able to achieve.
- Title: "way to go" and "worse".
Tech: euphanism and adjective.
- "way to go" is a euphanism for dying.
- "worse" = adjective. Tells the reader his death is a bad one.
- The poem then goes on to explain he dies in pain and alone.