Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Characterisation of Ofglen in The
Handmaid's tale
- Dialogue
- Through what
they say about
- Ofglen lets Offred know that she is part of Mayday, the
underground resistance, and that way the two manage to
comunicate as themselves rather than the people they
have been made to be (yet Ofglen never revels her real
- What others say
about them
- "This one is a little plumper
than I am..." chp 2-emphasizes
her similarity to this other
Handmaid by referring to her
as "this one,"
- Offred criticizing her
as walking like a
"trained pig."
- Offred realizes that deep down the two of them have no choice but to act the way they do: "I
think of her as a woman for whom every act is done for show...But that is what I must look like
to her, as well" Chp 6
- Offre describes them as “Siamese twins”
through Offred maybe in reference to the
fact that they are incredibly alike but also
- Use of language
- During the beginning Ofglen and
Offred keep conversation strictly to
what is allowed and expect of them
"Blessed be the fruit" "May the Lord
be with you ".pg 26 -Shows Ofglen to
be reserved and not one to stray
from the rules (so far)
- “It’s a beautiful May day,” Ofglen says. I feel rather than see
her head turn towards me, waiting for a reply.” Page 53- a
pivotal moment in the novel where Ofglen is trying to deduce
whether or not Offred is part of the rebellion. It is clearly
shown by Atwood that Offred is almost negligent that she
could be getting a way out - She doesn’t understand the
significance, yet, but reacts in a way conformed to the
societal ideals of Gilead
- “…and she gives a little nod. She hesitates, as if to
say something more, but then she turns and walks
away down the street.” Page 54- Again Offred is
rather negligent. Atwood is showing there is a form
of rebellion here by Ofglen but she remembers
where they were and stops before she gets into
- Setting
- “Ofglen pauses, as if hesitant about which way to go.” Page 40- Moment to
comprehend, Could be saying that Ofglen is conflicted also, like Offred, she
doesn’t know which path to take - She could be overcome by thoughts that she
doesn’t realise where she is when they have finished walking - Maybe there is a
reason for why she is hesitant – scared about taking a certain route?
- “We stop, together as if on signal, and stand
and look at the bodies. It doesn’t matter if we
look:” Page 42 - Describes not only Ofglen but
Offred as well - Ofglen is used to the customs
and knows when to stop - It shows just how
extreme Gilead uses the rebels to prove a
point to those who think of disagreeing with
the system - Put there as a warning to those
who even think of straying from the truth
- In relation to others
- Offred has a distant relationship with her
until she finds out that Ofglen is a member
of the resistance.
- Offred describes her first encounter with Ofglen (chapter 4) as meeting ‘a shape
like mine, a nondescript woman in red carrying a basket'. So alike are they in
outward form that Offred says she is ‘doubled' as she walks the street (chapter 5).
- they address each other in the stock phrases permitted to the
Handmaids, but by chapter 8 Ofglen becomes more
adventurous, introducing the words ‘May Day' which, as we
later discover, is the name of an underground resistance
- During the beginning Ofglen
and Offred keep conversation
strictly to what is allowed and
expect of them "Blessed be the
fruit" "May the Lord open."
- “Ofglen and I are comfortable with one another now, we’re used to each other. Siamese
twins. We don’t bother much with the formalities any more when we greet each other; we
smile and move off, in tandem, travelling smoothly along our daily track.” Page 174- They
have grown accustomed to each other and although they don’t communicate they agree
that they are comfortable with the friendshipThe routine has become mundane now,
there is a sense of boredom from the routine which they are doing
- Internal and external
- Through the narrator
- We only see Ofglen in her context as a
Handmaid, in her interactions with the
- Another woman is sent to replace her, assuming her
name and erasing her existence
- We dont know anything about her
previous life only her life as a
- Action
- Ofglen has killed herself before
she could betray others under
torture- I feel thankful to her.
She has died that I may live. I will
mourn later.'
- During the Particicution - when the women
are expected to kill a convicted rapist - Ofglen
risks all by quickly knocking him out, to give
him a painless death, when she recognises
that he is infact "one of ours."
- Physical Appearence
- “A shape, red with white wings around the
face, a shape like mine, a nondescript
woman in red carrying a basket,” Page 28 -
Puts her into the same category as Offred -
There is no difference between any of the
the Handmaids, represented through same
clothes. They are part of a group - Like nuns
with their habits -
- “This one is a little plumper than I am. Her eyes are brown. Her name is
Ofglen, and that’s about all I know about her.” Page 29 Offred compares
her to heslfe
- Symbolism
- Red- symbol of fertility, childbirth "The
colour of blood which defines us".All
handmaids wear the same as they all carry
out they same function which is their only
- Mirror- Offred describes
Ofglen as "She’s like my own
reflection, in a mirror from
which I am moving away.” pg