

Quotes and stage directions
Jessica Chandler
Mindmap von Jessica Chandler, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jessica Chandler
Erstellt von Jessica Chandler vor etwa 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Stage Directions
    1. "Animal joy in his being in all his movements and attitudes"
      1. "stalks into the bedroom"
        1. "throws the screen door... open"
          1. "centre of his life has been pleasure with women, the giving and taking of it."
            1. "he sizes women with a glance, with sexual classifications, crude images"
              1. "jerks out an armful of dresses"
                1. "heaves the package at her"
                  1. "hurls the furs"
                    1. "fistful of costume jewelery."
                    2. Appearance
                      1. "about twenty-eight or thirty years old"
                        1. "roughly dressed in blue denim work clothes"
                          1. "carries his bowling jacket and a red stained package from a butcher's."
                            1. "medium height, about five feet eight or nine"
                              1. "strongly, compactly built"
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