FMS 1 Cell Structure & Function (Week 1)


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Devita Widjaja
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Devita Widjaja
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FMS 1 Cell Structure & Function (Week 1)
  1. CELL
    1. = the vehicle for transmission of genetic info in all organism
      1. Theory by MJ Schleiden & T Schwann 1839
        1. composed of 1/> cells
          1. Exist before
            1. Vital function
              1. contain Hereditary info
              2. Characteristic
                1. Self-contained & Self-maintening
                  1. Need nutrient
                    1. nutrient --> energy
                      1. Specialized function
                        1. Reproduce
                          1. Stores its own activity instruction
                            1. Use protein as catalyst
                              1. Amino acids bind and act as enzyme
                              2. Enclosed in plasma membrane across which nutrient & waste materials must pass
                              3. DNA
                                1. Components
                                  1. 4 nucleotides : A,C,T,G
                                    1. A <-> T, C <-> G
                                    2. Deoxyribose
                                      1. Phosphat compound
                                      2. Structure
                                        1. Double helix
                                        2. Herited
                                          1. RNA translation
                                            1. PROCES ???
                                        3. Prokaryotes
                                          1. Cell Structure
                                            1. Flagella
                                              1. = long, slender projection composed of microtubule, serve to propel the cell
                                                1. Types
                                                  1. Monotrichous
                                                    1. Peritrichous
                                                      1. Amphitrichous
                                                        1. Lophotrichous
                                                      2. Cell Wall
                                                        1. = a fairly rigid layer surrounding the cell provide structural support, protection, filtering
                                                          1. CLASSES
                                                            1. Gram-negative
                                                              1. inner membralikan -> periplasmic space -> peptidoglycan -> outer membrane -> porin protein -> LPS
                                                              2. Gram-positive
                                                                1. inner membrane -> peptidoglycan -> teichoic acid
                                                            2. Cell capsule
                                                              1. = layer outside cell wall composed of polysaccharides serve to protect bacteria from phagoctosis
                                                              2. PLasma membrane
                                                                1. = composed of protein & phospholipid, serve as permeability barrier, enzyme, transport solutes, energy generation (combined mitochondria), DNA anchoring, chromatid separation
                                                                2. Pili
                                                                  1. = composed of protein, for DNA transfer during conjugation
                                                                  2. Ribosomes
                                                                    1. For protein synthesis
                                                                    2. Chromosomes
                                                                      1. Genetic material
                                                                      2. Plasmid
                                                                        1. Extrachromosomal genetic material
                                                                      3. Multidrug resistance
                                                                        1. Why ?
                                                                          1. Enzymatic deactivation of antibiotic
                                                                            1. Decreased cell wall permeability to antibiotic
                                                                              1. Altered target sites of antibiotic
                                                                                1. Efflux mechanism to remove antibiotic
                                                                                  1. increased mutation
                                                                                  2. Solution
                                                                                    1. Only use antibiotic for bacterial infection
                                                                                      1. Use specific antibiotic for specific bacteria
                                                                                        1. Don't stop antibiotics ASAP symptoms improve
                                                                                    2. Prokaryotes VS Eukaryotes
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