IBD-Crohn's Disease


Mindmap am IBD-Crohn's Disease, erstellt von Thi Thanh Tuyen Pham am 08/03/2019.
Thi Thanh Tuyen Pham
Mindmap von Thi Thanh Tuyen Pham, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Thi Thanh Tuyen Pham
Erstellt von Thi Thanh Tuyen Pham vor fast 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

IBD-Crohn's Disease
    1. (Mazal, 2014)
      1. unknown cause
        1. progressive, systemic autoimmune disorder
          1. abnormal inflammation of any parts of GI tract
            1. Discontinuous, “skip” lesions
            2. (Hart & Ng, 2015)
              1. varied mucosal ulcerations
                1. burrow gut wall
                  1. fistula
                  2. narrowed lumen
                    1. obstruction
                    2. cobble stone apperance
                2. DIAGNOTIC TESTS
                  1. (Gajendran et al., 2018)
                    1. Laboratories studies
                      1. Serology
                        1. CBC (anemia), C-reactive protein (CRP)
                          1. erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
                            1. monitor response to treatment
                          2. Stool studies
                          3. Imaging
                            1. confirm disease location and intestinal complications.
                              1. endoscopy
                                1. obtain tissue ->pathological evaluation
                                2. CT, MRI, contrast radiography
                          4. COLLABORATIVE CARE
                            1. Nutritional therapy
                              1. (Crohn’s and Colitis Canada, 2016, 2017)
                                1. No special diet →customized to fit pt.
                                  1. a well-balanced diet
                                    1. Enteral feeding
                                      1. insert NG tube or stomach tube
                                        1. primary therapy
                                          1. secondary treatment: malnutrition
                                        2. Total parenteral nutrition (TPN)
                                          1. when oral & enteral feeding is inadequate
                                          2. supplements
                                            1. Calcium citrate, Iron, Vitamins D, and B12, Folic acid,
                                          3. (Karakashian & Schub, 2018)
                                            1. eliminate certain foods (e.g., bulky grains, hot spices, alcohol, milk products)
                                              1. prevent worsening diarrhea, cramping
                                        3. NURSING INTERVENTIONS
                                          1. Total parenteral nutrition (TPN)
                                            1. ( General Surgery North York General Hospital, 2013)
                                              1. extended bowel rest
                                                1. during exacerbation; pre-operation.
                                                2. NOT compatible with any other solutions
                                                  1. be administered by itself
                                                  2. NOT obtain blood samples from same port as TPN infusions.
                                                    1. Do not abruptly discontinue
                                                      1. HYPOGLYCEMIA RISK
                                                    2. (Robertson, 2014; General Surgery North York General Hospital, 2013)
                                                      1. RISKS
                                                        1. Administration-related
                                                          1. Pneumothorax; Fluid excess/ pulmonary edema.
                                                            1. Monitor VS closely
                                                            2. sepsis, embolism, catheter occlusion
                                                            3. Formulation-related
                                                              1. nutritional imbalance; electrolyte imbalance
                                                                1. hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia
                                                                  1. monitor blood glucose
                                                          2. Patient teaching
                                                            1. Ostomy care
                                                              1. (Crohn’s and Colitis Canada, 2017)
                                                                1. examine stoma daily
                                                                  1. healthy stoma
                                                                    1. moist, dark pink to red
                                                                    2. skin around stoma
                                                                      1. no redness or sores
                                                                    3. Empty pouch when 1/3 full
                                                                      1. Change pouch & skin barrier
                                                                        1. if irritated->change skin barrier right away
                                                                          1. regularly: at least 1-2X/week
                                                                          2. not limited to sport and work
                                                                            1. if physician says "all clear"
                                                                            2. normal to experience diarrhea or constipation
                                                                              1. Diarrhea → avoid foods make feces more watery
                                                                                1. Constipated→ drinking fruit juices
                                                                            3. Diet
                                                                              1. (Crohn’s and Colitis Canada, 2017)
                                                                                1. In remission
                                                                                  1. eating a well-balanced diet
                                                                                    1. no need to avoid any particular kind of food
                                                                                    2. During flare-up
                                                                                      1. modify diet, avoid aggravating gut
                                                                                        1. avoid trigger foods
                                                                                          1. Avoid Alcohol, Sugar, Fructose, Caffeine, Greasy food
                                                                                          2. Eat smaller meals, q2-3h
                                                                                            1. Avoid drinking a lot of fluid during a meal
                                                                                              1. Reduce fat intake
                                                                                      2. Overall goals (Cope, 2015)
                                                                                        1. induce & maintain remission
                                                                                          1. prevent complications
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