Electrolysis C2


Mindmap am Electrolysis C2, erstellt von miriam.turner am 28/11/2014.
Mindmap von miriam.turner, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von miriam.turner vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Electrolysis C2
  1. General
    1. electrolysis: splitting up with electricty
      1. liquid
        1. to conduct electricity
          1. electrolyte
        2. Cathode
          1. negative
            1. gives out electrons
              1. reduction reaction
                1. gain of electrons
                2. +ve ions attracted here
              2. Anode
                1. takes in electrons
                  1. positive
                    1. oxidation
                      1. loss of electrons
                    2. Sodium Chloride
                      1. dissolved in water
                        1. hydrogen, chlorine, sodium hydroxide
                          1. Hydrogen gains an electron at the cathode
                            1. Chlorine is produced at the anode
                              1. Chloride is an anion
                              2. sodium remains in solution
                                1. more reactive than hydrogen
                                  1. Cation (ion)
                                  2. NaOH left
                                2. Lead Bromide
                                  1. Lead at cathode
                                    1. Bromine at anode
                                      1. Molten
                                      2. Extracting Aluminium
                                        1. from Bauxite ore
                                          1. has a high melting point (2000C)
                                            1. very expensive
                                              1. so is dissolved in Cryolite
                                                1. brings temp. down to 900C
                                                  1. easier and cheaper
                                              2. Carbon electrodes
                                                1. conduct electricity
                                                  1. Aluminium at cathode
                                                    1. Oxygen at anode
                                                      1. reacts with Carbon anode
                                                        1. Carbon Dioxide
                                                          1. replace anodes
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