

Mindmap am Computing, erstellt von natalieponci01 am 28/11/2014.
Mindmap von natalieponci01, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von natalieponci01 vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Databases
    1. Enables the effective storage of data in a structured and logical way
      1. Can be computerised od paper-based
        1. used to describle any collection of data
          1. large collection of data items and links between them which are structured in a way that allows it to be accessed by a number of different applications
          2. HTML
            1. Hyper Text Markup Language
              1. File containing text that uses tags to say how it should be displayed
                1. Includes the location of the URL of other elements like images, sounds and videos to be included as well as hyperlinks to other web pages.
                  1. Made out of up of a series of tags that tell the web browser how to display the text and image on a web page
                  2. Networks
                    1. LAN
                      1. Local Area Network
                        1. Network of computers connected in a limited area
                          1. usually the same building or nearby buildings
                            1. High speed
                          2. WAN
                            1. Wide Area Network
                              1. Joins computers together over a long distance
                                1. Can be joined using oublic telephones, fibre optic cables, or satellites etc
                                  1. Built for a particular company but they are private
                                  2. Bus
                                    1. Set of wires which transfer data or power between components inside the computer
                                      1. A bus cannot connect peripherals together
                                        1. BUS CLOCK: while the CPU is busy cycling throughits, program, data is being moved around the computer by means of data buses
                                          1. Each of these buses are also running with their own clocks, each time the clock 'pulses' a data transfer can take place.
                                        2. Star Network
                                          1. Type of network arrangement where each computed is linked to a central server on a dedicated line
                                            1. Arrangement looks like a star with one server in the middle and all the computers surrounding it with one connection
                                              1. Advantage: each lunk to the server is independent of the other computers so the comouter do not have to share bandwidth with eachother
                                                1. Disadvantage: more cabell]ng is needed + if the central server is borken the whole system is broken
                                                2. Ring Network
                                                  1. Where one computer is linked to the next and the last computer is linked to the firstn forming a ring shaped network
                                                    1. Simple to set up
                                                      1. useful for small office networks
                                                        1. if one of the links is broken then one side of the cmputers break can't communiate with the other side
                                                      2. Types of software
                                                        1. Custom Written software: created specifically for the user, it is expensive ( as you have to pay someone to make it) but is often used when the application is very specific or unique so no alternative software is availiable
                                                          1. Off the shelf software: suitable for a wide range of users (like a work processor) it is cheaper than Bespoke software and availiable instantly but will come with lots of functionality you dont need and not everything you like
                                                            1. Open source software: has a source code open to the public, so anyone can add new features to improve the existing code. It is usually free and created by a huge community of programmers who can distribute their own version of the program.
                                                              1. Proprietary Software: created by companies and sold for profit, users cant get access to the source code and must wait for the company tofix any bugs.
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