Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Power of Humans - Cluster poetry
- Ozymandias
- Humans are weak
in comparison to
- Shelley hated
monarchies and Ramses
II was a tyrannical leader.
- "I met a traveller from
an antique land."
- Set out like a story to emphasis
how unimportant Ramses II is since
he hasn't heard of him before.
Therefore human power is weak.
- "'Two vast and
trunkless legs of stone"
- Statue is incomplete or
highly damaged. Human
power is not ever lasting.
- "half sunk, a
shatter'd visage"
- Gives impression of the sea
and that the statue -built with
blocks of nature- is returning
to where it came from.
Showing man cannot stop the
forces of life and death.
- "stamp'd on these
lifeless things"
- "Lifeless" that it was once alive and
perhaps had a purpose eg praying
to it. But the surrounding buildings
are gone which suggests that
Ramses' power is 'dead' which
shows humans power is weak.
- London
- ''every cry of every man''
- Connotes that there are universal
problems, everyone's suffering. Which
makes everyone seem powerless. The
use of repetition of ''every'' emphasises
the lack of hope for the future
- ''mind forg'd manacles''
- Suggests that people are
prisoners of the mind as well as
physically. Humans are ultimately
weak as we trap ourselves.
- Humans are weak
and the government
has all the power.
- ''Marriage hearse''
- Oxymoron which shows that
everything has been lost. Death
imagery also gives impression that
everything can defeat humans.
- "black'ning
- Angry at forms
of power. The
church could be
corrupt as it is
tarnished by its
failure to
protect people.
- My last duchess
- "The curtain I have
drawn for you"
- Controls who sees the portrait
of his wife. Done to show how
much power the man has over
something so insignificant.
- "as if she ranked My gift of a
nine-hundred-years-old name
With anybody’s gift."
- Due to his higher class he thinks
that he should be favoured.
Controlling nature.
- "I gave commands; Then all
smiles stopped together"
- A simple command is all he
needs for him to be rid of his
wife. Could show that he is weak
since he depends on underlings.
- Shows how the Duke is powerful in his actions but weak since he relies on underlings.
- "Nay, we’ll go Together
down, sir."
- He is able to keep the man in
control with just a simple word. Is
attempting to prevent the end of
his marriage to the mans daughter.