Resumo Inglês


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Resumo Inglês
  1. Modal Verbs
    1. May
      1. Permission
        1. Possibility
          1. Presente
            1. Passado
              1. It may rain in the afternoon
                1. Pode chover hoje à tarde
              2. May i go to the movie with your friends
                1. Formal
                2. Cold
                  1. Poderia
                    1. Ability in the past
                      1. Possibility
                        1. Past
                          1. Examples
                            1. We could study this book
                              1. Nós poderíamos estudar esse livro
                              2. My cousin could play the guitar when he was younger
                                1. Meu primo podia tocar violão quando ele era criança
                              3. Dedução
                              4. Can
                                1. Express abilities
                                  1. Present
                                    1. Informal
                                      1. Ability
                                        1. I can sing
                                      2. Frequency Adverbs
                                        1. How often something happens
                                          1. Always 100%
                                            1. I always study after class
                                            2. Usually 80%
                                              1. Começo, antes ou no fim do verbo
                                              2. Often 70%
                                                1. Generally 70%
                                                  1. Sometimes 50%
                                                    1. Começo, antes ou no fim do verbo
                                                    2. Rarely 5%
                                                      1. Seldon 10%
                                                        1. Hardly Ever 5%
                                                          1. Never 0%
                                                          2. Future
                                                            1. Going To
                                                              1. Future Action
                                                                1. Planned Actions
                                                                  1. I'm going to clean up my house tomorrow
                                                                    1. Gonna
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