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Fatima Syeda
Mindmap von Fatima Syeda, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Fatima Syeda
Erstellt von Fatima Syeda vor fast 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. What is Respiration?
    1. Respiration refers to a series of chemical changes that take place in cells to release energy
      1. Respiration requires glucose and oxygen
        1. oxygen + glucose ~ carbon dioxide + water + energy
        2. Respiratory system
          1. Takes air into your body and makes oxygen available to cells
            1. Takes in air and extracts oxygen from it
              1. Allows oxygen to pass into bloodstream, to be distributed to the cells for respiration
              2. Nasal Cavity
                1. Air is warmed, moistened and cleaned
                  1. Large dust particles are filtered by hairs in your nostrils
                    1. Finer particles and some bacteria are trapped by a combination of sticky mucus and tiny hairs called cilia
                    2. Trachea
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