Thinking About Thinking - Metacognition


Mindmap am Thinking About Thinking - Metacognition, erstellt von Amy Balsdon am 08/12/2014.
Amy Balsdon
Mindmap von Amy Balsdon, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Amy Balsdon
Erstellt von Amy Balsdon vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Thinking About Thinking
  1. Metacognition
    1. The process of thinking about thinking and our own learning
    2. Teaching Thinking
      1. In Schools
        1. Philosophy For Children (P4C)
          1. Matthew Lipman
        2. How to think/question certain ideas
        3. Thinking Skills
          1. The way in which we think, guiding ourselves and the way in which we learn.
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