Walden Chapter 11: Higher Laws


Mindmap am Walden Chapter 11: Higher Laws, erstellt von Aziz Hanna am 11/04/2019.
Aziz Hanna
Mindmap von Aziz Hanna, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Aziz Hanna
Erstellt von Aziz Hanna vor fast 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Walden Chapter 11: Higher Laws
  1. Thoreau once had the urge to kill and eat an animal when it crossed his path.
    1. He found a spiritual and a savage life in himself.
      1. He believes that eating animal is unclean and does not really feed the soul spirtually.
        1. Makes people less human and more cruel.
      2. The food a man eats is not what destroys him, it is how much he consumes of it.
        1. He believes that the savage part of a man overcomes the spiritual part of him.
          1. Work makes virtue while laziness makes ignorance.
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