Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Oregon Agencies (OAH) - Simplified
- Mission: Ensure healthy
natural resources,
environment, and economy
for Oregonians now and in
the future through inspection
and certification, regulation,
and promotion of agriculture
and food (ODA Strategic Plan)
- Vision: Serve the changing needs of
Oregon's diverse agricultural and food
sectors to maintain and enhance a
healthy natural resource base and
strong economy in rural and urban
communities across the state (ODA
Strategic Plan)
- Key Objectives
- Key Objective 3: Embrace a culture of
collaboration (ODA Strategic Plan)
- Complete an inventory and review of
partnerships to evaluate opportunities
for improvement and expansion
- Complete an inventory and review of
partnerships to evaluate opportunities
for improvement and expansion
- Key Objective 7: Stive for Clear, Concise, and
Inclusive Communication (ODA Strategic Plan)
- Increased compliance
- Increases support
- Increased awareness
- Requires CAFOs to meet both state water
quality standards as well as the federal Clean
Water Act (UO Review)
- ORS. 468.140: authorizes ODA to enforce a civil
penalty up to $500 a day for failure to comply
with or a violation of a CAFO permit
- Report to Department of State Lands regarding mitigation action (196.635)
- Mission: Be a leader in restoring,
maintaining, and enhancing the quality
of Oregon's air, land and water
- Authorized by the EPA to implement
federal environmental programs in Oregon
- Clean Air Act
- Clean Water Act
- Court Case: Center for Biological Diversity vs
- Claim: “EPA has failed to finalize rulemaking, identify
OR’s impaired marine water zones as required by law
- Courts have power to “compel agency action unlawfully
withheld or unreasonably delayed,” i.e., to force the DEQ
to take more stringent mitigation efforts
- 319 Provides grants for nonpoint source
projects in which states are able to match
40% of the budget (UO Review)
- Designates No Discharge Zones (NDZs) when
state or EPA determine an issue or to create a
drinking water intake (UO Review)
- Water Quality Programs
- Collect water quality data and
maintain water monitoring portal
- Oregon Ocean Monitoring Group
- Developing TMDLs
- Take actions necessary for the state to comply with the Federal
Water Pollution Control Act. May force ODA to perform "any
federal regulations or guidelines issues pursuant to the Act,
relating to the control and prevention of water pollution from
livestock and other animal-based agriculture operations (ORS.
- ORS 196.408.2: State agencies with
responsibility for oil spill and hazardous
material response, damage assessment and
compensation in marine environment shall, to
the maximum extent practicable, coordinate
Oregon's plans, programs, policies and
techniques with those of adjacent states
- Manages expenses thru
appropriated funds (196.572.b7)
- Provides support staff to
coordinating council
- Identify actions and initiatives
to address vulnerabilities
- Report to Department of State Lands regarding mitigation action (196.635)
- Mission: protect and enhance Oregon's
fish and wildlife and their habitats for use
and enjoyment by present and future
- Policies
- State Food
- Wildlife Policy
- Oregon
- Oregon
- This document is a strategic guide in terms of how
ODFW time and effort should be spent specifically
on issues within the three mile coastal zone
- Nearshore Recommendation 10: “Promote use of
climate change information in management
decision making and policy development in
statewide, regional, and global arenas…”
- Incorporate climate change and climate
resilience into long term decision making
- Partnership required: state and federal
management agencies, university scientists,
NGOS, and industry representatives.
- Fish, Wildlife,
and Habitat
of the Oregon
- Oregon
- Oregon
Shellfish Task
- Oregon
Council on
and Hypoxia
- International
Alliance to
Combat Ocean
- Research and Monitoring
- Fisheries harvest and species abundance
for stock assessments, conservation, and
impacts analysis
- Coordinates oceanographic information
- Inventory chemical, physcial, and
bioloical data to inform management
and adaption to OAH
- Oregon Ocean Acidification Monitoring
- Pacific Coast Collaborative
- West Coast OAH Monitoring Inventory
- Marine Reserves Program
- ORS 196.540: adopting rules to
establish, study, monitor, evaluate
and enforce: (a) A marine reserve and
two marine protected areas at Cape
Falcon; (b) A marine reserve and three
marine protected areas at Cascade
Head; and (c) A marine reserve, two
marine protected areas and a seabird
protection area at Cape
- ORS 196.540: Implement recommendations from OPAC
- Monitoring, sampling, research,
and management of commercial
and recreational marine fisheries
- Sustainable ocean use and
conservation research,
management, and policy
- Impacts analysis for human
development projects and
- Partnered with EPA to
take on acidification in
estuaries harming clam
and crab fisheries
- Houses OR Coastal Management Program
- Administers Coastal Goals
- Statewide Planning
Goal 19
- Ocean Resources Goal
- Mission: To work in partnership with local
governments, state and federal agencies, and
other stakeholders to foster livable, resilient
communities by ensuring that coastal and ocean
resources are managed, conserved and
developed consistent with OR's coastal program
- Mission: To help communities and citizens plan for, protect,
and improve the built and natural systems that provide a
high quality of life. In partnership with citizens and local
governments, we foster sustainable and vibrant
communities and protect our natural resources legacy
- Policy Development
- Coordinated through Territorial Sea Plan
- Established through Oregon Ocean
Resources Management Program (ORS
- Provides staffing for:
- ORS 196.420.6: Ensure that OPAC will work closely with
coastal local governments to incorporate in its activities
coastal local government and resident concerns, coastal
economic stability and expertise of coastal residents
- ORS 196.438: Consists of:
- Non-voting designee
(ORS 196.438)
- Governing body
member from
coastal counties
- coastal city
- Representation from coastal fisheries, marine
navigation, coastal conservation, Oregon Indian
Tribes, Coastiwde organization, Statewide
conservation, two representatives of the public
- ORS 196.455: may invite federal agencies with
responsibility for the study and management of ocean
resources or regulation of ocean activities to designate
a liaison to the council to attend council meetings,
respond to council requests for technical and policy
information and review draft plan materials prepared
by the council.
- Other agencies
working on Goal 19
- Coordinates with
- ORS 196.408.3: State agencies which have
jurisdiction over water areas, teh seabed and
resources adjacent to offshore rocks and islands
may coordinate with adjacent states and federal
agencies to develop programs and regulations to
manage uses and activiites of ocean areas adjacent
to coastal cliffs and offshore rocks and islands
managed within the National Wildlife Refuge
- ORS 196.565: Provides "home" for: Oregon Ocean Science Trust
- Oregon Coastal Water
Quality (Non-point
pollution control program)
- Collaborates with many state agencies
and provides leadership on initiatives
that require coordination
- Liason between Governor and tribes, local
governments, federal agencies, Congress, etc. on
natural/environmental issues
- ORS 196.408: State agencies
shall, to the maximum extent
practicable, coordinate
development of coastal and
ocean information systems
with those in adjacent states
- Legislation
- SB 260: Appropriates moneys from General fund to:
- Oregon Ocean Science Trust
- HB 2020: Establishes Carbon Policy Office within
Oregon Department of Administrative Services
and directs Director of Carbon Policy Office to
adopt Oregon Climate Action Program rule
- SB 1039: Declares state policy on OAH. Establishes
Oregon Coordinating Council on Ocean
Acidification and Hypoxia
- Members
- Tribes
- Oregon Ocean Science Trust
- West Coast OAH Science
Panel, 2016 Report
- Created by MOU with California State
Natural Resources Agency and GNRO
(MOU, 2013)
- Oregon OAH Council Report, 2018
- Keep legislators and policy makers up to date
on the science, impacts of and solutions for OAH
(Action 4.2.a)
- Develop high-level policy guidance for the
state’s government agencies on prioritizing OAH
in agency workload (Action 5.1.1)
- 4) Raise awareness of OAH science, impacts, and
solutions. Identify and advance opportunities to
raise awareness of and communicate OAH
science, impacts, and mitigation solutions.