
Luz Irribarra C.
Mindmap von Luz Irribarra C., aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Luz Irribarra C.
Erstellt von Luz Irribarra C. vor fast 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. The purpose of this research was to find the most comfortable accommodation for visitors to outdoor festivals.
    1. Why Podpads? Because they are much stronger than tents.
      1. First, we visited the farmers who let us use their land.
        1. Then, we contacted Podpads.com and ordered 50 Podpads.
          1. Finally, we organized 50 people to sleep in them.
        2. We spoke to our Podpad residents after one night.
          1. We asked for their opinion of the company.
          2. We found that they were popular with both residents and farmers.
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