Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Orchestras: How to create classic music
forthe masses (by Gerardo Muñoz)
- Aging Audiences
- Increase exposure with younger people
- Adapt to new times and generations
- Bring Joy and freedom
- Speak to the heart
- Family firendly
- Live Performance Format
- make environment more
fiendly and interactive
- Remove constraints and burden
- Leverage audio technology
- Different scenario sizes
- Add visual content
and other effects
- Classical Music
- Make known music waltzable
- Shorten classic pieces
- Mix playlist with other themes
- Revenue, Cost and ROI
- Reduce # of orchestra members
- Keep production cost low
- Leverage global tours
- Invite low cost young music genius
- Reduce music complexity
- Channels and additional
revenue streams
- DVDs
- CDs
- Movies
- Merchandise and souveniers