Zusammenfassung der Ressource
AUDITORS (ss. 195 - 209)
- s. 205 (2)(f) - whether, in the auditor's opinion, the financial statements and any group financial statements give a
true and fair view of the matters to which they relate, and where they do not, the respects in which they fail to do so
and whether the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the International Accounting
- s. 204 - An auditor of a company shall ensure, in carrying out the duties of an auditor that his
judgement is not impaired by reason of any relationship with or interest in the company or any of its subsidiaries.
- s. 205 (2)(c) - the existence of any relationship (other than that of auditor) which the auditor has with, or any
interests which the auditor has in, the company or any of its subsidiaries, other than dealings with the company in
the ordinary course of business not involving indebtedness to the company or a related company in an amount
exceeding 10,000 rupees;
- s. 198(2) - None of the following persons shall be appointed or act as an auditor of a company
- a director or employee of the company
- may not be appointed or act as auditor of a related company
- a person who is a partner, or in the employment, of a director or employee of the company
- may not be appointed or act as auditor of a related company
- a liquidator or a person who is a receiver in respect of the property of the company
- a body corporate
- a person who is not ordinarily resident in Mauritius
- a person who is indebted in an amount exceeding 10,000 rupees to the company, or to a related company unless
the debt is in the ordinary course of business
- the ordinary course of business covers the usual transactions, customs and practices of a certain business and of a certain firm.
- s. 206 - Access to information
- The Board of a company shall ensure that an auditor of the company has access at all times to the accounting
records and other documents of the company
- Where the Board of a company fails to comply- every
director shall commit an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not
exceeding 200,000 rupees.
- Where the Board fails to comply with section 193, 207, 212(1), 218(1),
219(1) or 220, every director of the company shall commit an offence and
shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding 200,000 rupees.
- An auditor of a company is entitled to receive from a director or employee of the company such information and
explanations as he thinks necessary for the performance of his duties as auditor
- A director or employee who fails to comply - shall commit an offence and shall, on
conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding 200,000 rupees.
- defence to an employee charged with an offence
- he did not have the information required in his possession or under his control;
- by reason of the position occupied by him or the duties assigned to him, he was
unable to give the explanations required
- Company records
- s. 190 - Company records - a company shall
keep at its registered office the records
- the constitution of the company
- minutes of the meetings and resolutions of shareholders within the last 7 years
- its interests register
- minutes of all meetings and resolutions of directors and
directors' committees within the last 7 years
- certificates given by directors within the last 7 years
- the full names and addresses of the current directors
- copies of all written communications to all shareholders or
all holders of the same class of shares during the last 7
years, including annual reports
- copies of all financial statements and group financial statements
required for the last 7 completed accounting periods of the company
- the accounting records for the Current accounting period and for the
last 7 completed accounting periods of the company
- the share register
- the copies of instruments creating or evidencing charges
- such lesser number of years or accounting
periods, as the case may be, as the Registrar
may approve by notice in writing to the
- The documents may be kept at any other
place in Mauritius, notice of which shall be
given to the Registrar
- Where the company changes the place at which its records are kept,
it shall, within 14 days of the change, notify the Registrar in writing of
the place at which the records are kept.
- s. 191 - Form of records
- English or French language
- in written form
- in a form or in a manner that allows the documents and
information that comprise the records to be easily accessible
and convertible into written form.
- adequate measures
- prevent the records being falsified
- detect any falsification of them
- s. 192 - Inspection of records by directors
- every director of a company shall be entitled, on giving reasonable
notice, to inspect the records of the company
- in written form
- without charge
- at a reasonable time specified by the
- The Court may, on application by the company direct that the
records need not be made available for inspection or restrict
the inspection of them in any manner it thinks fit.
- it would not be in the company's
interests for a director to inspect the
- the proposed inspection is for a purpose that
is not properly connected with the director's
- s. 193 - Accounting records
- the Board of a company shall cause
accounting records to be kept that
- correctly record and explain the transactions of the company
- shall at any time enable the financial position of the company to
be determined with reasonable accuracy
- shall enable the directors to prepare financial statements
- shall enable the financial statements of the company to be readily and properly audited.
- The accounting records shall contain
- entries of money received and spent each day and the matters to
which it relates
- a record of the assets and liabilities of the company
- dealing in goods
- a record of goods bought and sold, except goods sold
for cash in the ordinary course of carrying on a retail
business, that identifies both the goods and buyers and
sellers and relevant invoices;
- a record of stock held at the end of its accounting period
together with records of any stock takings during that
- the company's business involves
providing services, a record of services
provided and relevant invoices.
- in written form and in the
English or French language
- the directors shall cause to be made a true translation
in the English or French language of such accounting
records at intervals of not more than 7 days and the
transition shall be kept with the original accounting
records for so long as the original accounting records
are required to be retained
- s.194 - Place accounting records to be kept
- in Mauritius, except where the directors determine that the
accounting records may be kept outside Mauritius
- Not kept in mauritius
- disclose with reasonable accuracy the financial
position of the company at intervals not exceeding 6
- are sent to, and kept at, a place in Mauritius
- notice of the place the accounts and returns are kept, shall be
given to the Registrar.
- Financial Statements
- s. 210 - Obligation to prepare financial statements
- The Board of every company
- within 6 months after the balance sheet date of the company
- The Registrar may extend the period of 6 months
- completed financial statements that comply with s. 211
- s. 211 - Contents and
form of financial
- the financial statements of a company shall present
fairly the financial position, financial performance and
where stated the cash flow of the company
- the financial statements do not
present fairly the matters to which
they relate, the director shall add
such information and explanations
as are necessary to present fairly
those matters.
- in the case of public
companies and private
- be prepared in accordance with and comply
with the International Accounting Standards
- comply with any requirement which
applies to the company's financial
statements under any other enactment
- a small private company
- Financial Reporting Act 2004 which
prescribe the form and content of
financial statements
- a private company, other than a small private
company, or public company, which does not
qualify as a public interest entity as defined in
the Financial Reporting Act may prepare its
financial statements in accordance with the
International Financial Reporting Standards for
SMEs, issued by the International Accounting
Standards Board.
- s. 214 - group
- dated and signed on behalf of the Board by 2 directors of the
company, or, where the company has only one director, by that
- s. 212 - Presentation of Consolidated Financial Statements
- The Board of a company that has, on the balance sheet date of the company, one or more subsidiaries,
shall, within 6 months after the balance sheet date, it complies with IFRS in relation to the presentation of
group financial statements.
- s. 213 - a company shall present its financial
statements in Mauritius currency.
- The Registrar may approve the presentation by a company of its financial statements in a foreign
- the company's principal operational activity during the
accounting year in question has been undertaken in that foreign
- a more faithful view of the company's affairs than by
presentation in Mauritius currency.
- in a note to the balance sheet a statement of the
average exchange rate on balance sheet date as
provided by the Bank of Mauritius.
- shall not revert to presentation of its financial statements in Mauritius currency, or any other
foreign currency without first obtaining the further approval of the Registrar and where such
approval is given, the company shall state in a note to the accounts the reason for the change in
the currency in which the financial statements are presented.