USA and Vietnam (1964-1975) - Part 1


The first mind map on the Vietnam war (1964-1975); looking at Guerrilla Tactics, America's response and other things
Lewis Appleton-Jones
Mindmap von Lewis Appleton-Jones, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Lewis Appleton-Jones
Erstellt von Lewis Appleton-Jones vor etwa 10 Jahre

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USA and Vietnam (1964-1975) - Part 1
  1. Causes of the Vietnam War
    1. War in Vietnam began in WW2
      1. During WW2 Japan took control of the Vietnam economy
        1. After the defeat of Japan, the Vietminh was formed (led by HoChi Minh) to fight against the French
          1. French rule collapsed in 1954, after their defeat at Dien Bien Phu
            1. At the Geneva conference of 1954, Vietnam was split at te 17th parallel - The North was Communist and the south Anti-Communist
              1. The US supported the south in an effort to stop the spread of communism (the Domino Effect)
                1. Economic and Military aid was provided; but the S Vietnam Gov. was unpopuar
                  1. By 1964 the USA was commited to protecting the south; including the Vietcong and Vietminh
        2. Before WW2 Vietnam was part of the French Empire
        3. Vietminh
          1. A resistance movement formed by Ho Chi Minh in 1941 to fight against French and Japanese control. By 1945 it had become communist and had taken control of N Vietnam
          2. Vietcong
            1. The National Front for the Liberation of S Vietnam set up in 1960to fight for communism in S Vietnam. Called the Vietcong by the Americans, often abbreviated to VC
            2. Guerrilla Warfare
              1. Methodolgy
                1. The aim is to avoid a pitched Battle
                  1. Used by the Vietcong, as they knew it would be extremely difficult to defeat America
                    1. Attack US Troops in small numbers and then disappear
                      1. Depended on support of locals - as they provided food and shelter
                        1. Long term aim to lower morale and wear down US Troops
                        2. Tactics
                          1. Mainly recruited men and women from South; some from North as well
                            1. Lived and worked in village communities
                              1. Code of Conduct
                                1. 1 - Be Polite
                                  1. 2 - Be Fair
                                    1. 3 - Return anything borrowed
                                      1. 4 - Do not damage crops
                                        1. 5 - Do not flirt with women
                                2. Persuade villagers to join them by targeting unpopular officials, such as tax collectors, and kidnap and murder them
                                  1. Got into Us camps by doing simple tasks, i.e. washing and cleaning
                                  2. Fighting
                                    1. They were trained soldiers that would ambush US Troops or s Vietnam soldiers, and wold kil or capture the men. If the enemy were captured they would be tortured and killed.
                                      1. Would set booby traps or plant bombs on enemy patrol routes
                                        1. The 'hit & run' tactics made it difficult for the US to know where they were
                                          1. They weren't completely safe in the villages so they built extensive tunnel systems to hide in.
                                            1. Had weapon and ammunition stores, kitchens, sleeping quarters and hospitals
                                              1. US claimed that it showed the success of US bombing campaigns
                                                1. However it shows the organisation and determination of the Vietcong
                                            2. The Vietcong needed supplies for N Vietnam, so thousands of routes were developed, and were often bombed by the US
                                              1. T o avoid bombing the supplies went through other countries - Cambodia and Laos - on the Ho Chi Minh Trail
                                                1. It was 600 miles longs, and 50 miles wide in places
                                          2. America's response to Guerrilla Tactics
                                            1. Response A
                                              1. America invested heavily in South Vietnam, improving conditions.
                                                1. In farming they built drainage ditches, to improve crop growth
                                                  1. Communications were improved by building canals, roads and railways
                                                    1. In towns, schools and clinics were built
                                                    2. Home were provided for refugees from the north
                                                      1. Democracy was incouraged
                                                        1. Was successful in towns but not in rural areas
                                                        2. Response B
                                                          1. Military approach
                                                            1. Bomb the N Vietnamese into submission
                                                              1. Search and Destroy the Vietcong
                                                                1. Led to the use of Chemical warfare
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