Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Railroad Industry
- made less
popular by the
growth of car
industry and
road travel
- Crisis of Overproduction
- European economies
began to stabilise the
beginning of the 1920s
- Tariffs introduced by
Europe in retaliation
so farmers couldn't
export produce
- Demand
had fallen
- Textiles Industry
- Tariffs low on
foreign cotton
and wool
- Hard for US
producers to
- Almost 3x less fabric
needed by 1928 for
dresses because of
changing fashions
- Coal Industry
- oil, gas and electricity
more common
- Average wage of a miner - $100
Average wage of a bricklayer in
NY - $300
- early 1920s - c. 12000
mines but many closed
down, c. 200,000 miners,
1000s made redundant