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USA and Vietnam
(1964-1975) Part 6
- Paris Peace Conference and US Withdrawal, 1973-1975
- Peace agreement included
- US Armed forces
withdraw from
- US Prisoners
of War
- N Vietnam
recognised the
government of
S Vietnam
- Elections would be held
in the future to see if
Vietnam could be
reunited again
- The NVA could
stay in areas of S
Vietnam that it
occupied at the
time of the
- More successful for N Vietnam as they
managed to remove the US, and the
ceasefire gave them time to rebuild their
army and prepare to take back the South in
the future
- To the US and Henry
Kissinger (Secretary of
State), the war over and
ther ewas just urgency to
bring the troops home
- By April 1973 all US
troops had left and only a
small number of advisers
remained - 600 prisoners
had been released
- US Believed there was more POWs than this
- In 1974 the fighting between N & S
restarted but the S was not helped
by the US - Congress passed law
preventing the bombing of targets
by the US, the amount of financial
support was also limited
- The N was able to
take advanatage of
this almost complete
- Fall of Saigon, 1975
- North Vietnam
continued its offensive
into S Vietnam; and
attacked from the North,
Cambodia and Laos,
even though this was
against the 1973
- Major cities fell with little resistance, with the three
pronged attacked splitting ARVN forces - peopel fled
south to Saigon thinking it was safer; this was known as
the 'convoy of tears' and further demoralised the
- By the end of 1975
Saigon fell to the
communists, some
stayed to greet the
NVA but most fled by
road, sea and air if
they were rich
- The remaining US
officials were air
lifted by helicopters
from the roof of the
US Embassy
- The Vietnam War today
- 57,000 troops died and
300,000 were injured
- Men who fought feel they
haven't got enough
recognition for fighting for
their country
- Almost 4 million
people were
killed or injured
during the war
- Much of Vietnam's
resources and terrain were
lost due to the bombing
and chemical warfare
- There are clear signs
of recovery, with
Vietnam being
popular with tourist
destination for
westerners, despite it
being communist