Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Agriculture in
the 100 days
- The Agriculture Community
- Farm Workers made up
30% of the workforce
- Farmers formed the backbone of the US and Roosevelt
saw this as why farmers were so important in restoring
the US's economy
- A more prosperous
community would help
stimulate demand and
industry in the eyes of
- Many felt that Roosevelts actions
were misguided
- They felt he should have
been more focused on
stimulating demand in urban
- Critics felt that he should
have been dealing with
- Social Issues in Agriculture
- Tens of thousands of
families had lost, or were in
danger of losing their
homes and livelihoods.
- Farmers needed to be
rescued from rock bottom
prices and indebtedness
- Government Agencies
arranged for $100m to be
available to re-finance
- Links with the
Farmer Credit
Act and the
Adjustment Act
- However there were
criticism about what was
done at the time
- The rural poor
were neglected
- Most people that recieved any
payments were big landowners
of big estates
- Sharecroppers and
Migrant workers gained
very little help from the
- Wealthier southern whites
dominated the democratic
party, they recieved the
most help and Roosevelt
needed their cooperation in
- However some leaders
were with the more radical
groups such as the STFU
- Roosevelt
- The AAA did succeed in raising
prices however most others were
worse off and it was the rich
landowners that were better off
- Not only were 'the little people' in
agriculture worse off but also the
poorer industrial workers who now had
to pay more for their food
- Acts
- Agriculture Adjustment Act
- They were there to deal with
- Farmer Credit Act
- They wanted to tackle
the issue of farmer debt
- Farm Mortgage Refianancing Act
- Many farmers were helped
with their debts by
rescheduling them and
avoiding foreclosures on
indebted farms
- Rural Electrification Act
- Which aimed provide
electrical power throughout
the country
- It provided low interest loans to
rural cooperatives
- The Soil Erosion Act
- Farmers were paid to
soil conversing plants
and reducing the
acreage of crops
- Groups
- Agriculture Adjustment
Administration (AAA)
- They believed that the key issue
was over production
- The act subsidised farmers to cut
production in order to increase prices
and raise income
- They did succeed in raising food prices
- Southern Tenant Farmers Union (STFU)
- The Commodity Credit Agency (CCA)
- Made loans to farmers to store their
products and the loans only had to be
repaid when a certain price for their
crop was reached.
- This meant the price was to
be passed onto the consumer
- Farmer Credit Administation
- They administered loan for the Farm Mortgage Refinancing Act
- Droughts and Dry Winds -
The Dust Bowl
- Drought and dry wind storms produced widespread soil erosion
- Oklahoma, Kansas, Northern Texas, and Eastern Colorado
- It became known as the dustbowl
- The problem arose from trying
to increase acreage; trees and
hedges, the natural obstacles to
- Up to 300,00
farmers moved
the the pacific
- The Soil Erosion Act was put in place to
help farmers that were affected by it