Evaluation: The Maudsley Method of Treating Anorexia


A level Psychology (Clinical Psychology) Mindmap am Evaluation: The Maudsley Method of Treating Anorexia, erstellt von Katie Greensted am 04/06/2019.
Katie Greensted
Mindmap von Katie Greensted, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Katie Greensted
Erstellt von Katie Greensted vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Evaluation: The Maudsley Method of Treating Anorexia
  1. Phase One: Weight Restoration
    1. A therapist works with the patient's family in dealing with the dangers of malnutrition associated with anorexia. They help the parents in re-feeding their child, and also gets any siblings involved to support the patient through the re-feeding process.
      1. The therapist also works with the parents to ensure there is no criticism or blame being placed on the individual. Instead, the therapist helps to externalise the disorder by making the point that the symptoms are out of the patient's control - the therapy is judgement-free.
        1. Family based therapies like the Maudsley Method is only useful if the individual has a family that is willing to participate. This is especially important as it can be a time consuming and stressful process for both the patient and the families (a lot of strain is put on the relationship between the patient and their families, particularly because in this stage, the individual may feel forced into eating etc which can be upsetting). Therefore, the method may not be suitable for all families.
        2. Phase Two: Returning Control to the Adolescent
          1. When the patient is seen to be steadily putting on weight, and seems open to an increased food intake, phase 2 begins.
            1. Phase 2 serves to encourage the parents of the patient to help the patient take control over eating again. For example, the parents may allow their child to eat lunch at school on their own once again, rather than the parents having to be there to ensure feeding is happening. This gives the individual who is recovering a sense of more control and independence. If a parent is unsure whether their child will feed themselves, compromises can be made. For example, the individual can go out with friends, but may have to eat with the family beforehand to ensure that they will eat.
              1. As the Maudsley Method focuses largely on adolescents, it may not be a suitable method for everyone, such as adults who are suffering from anorexia - in these cases, the parents of these individuals have less control as they are adults now.
                1. Dare et al found that the Maudsley method was good in terms of effectiveness for adolescent, however was ineffective with adults. This supports the idea that the Maudsley Method is not a method which cannot be used to treat everybody.
              2. Phase Three: Establishing a Healthy Adolescent Identity
                1. Phase 3 begins when the individual is able to maintain a weight that is above 95% of their ideal body weight, and any self-starvation issues have been abandoned.
                  1. The focus of phase 3 shifts from the impact symptoms have had on the individual to the future and external problems that they might face. This is to ensure they build a healthy adolescent identity. This can be dealing with issues that were put on hold as a consequence of anorexia (e.g. puberty and dealing with periods for girls), building healthy relationships with others around them, and coming up with suitable parental boundaries so that the individual can maintain their own sense of independence and individuality. Basically, this is the stage where they are readied for complete integration back into society.
                    1. Lock et al compared family based therapies like the Maudsley method with adolescent-focused therapy and found no differences at the end of the study. However, after 6 and 12 months, family-based therapy was shown as being more successful in terms of remission. This suggests that family based therapies are better in the long term.
                    2. The Maudsley Method is a family-based therapy which aims to rehabilitate those suffering from anorexia. It often occurs within 15-20 sessions over a 12 month time frame. It uses three different phases.
                      1. LeGrange and Eisler found that up to 90% of individuals that took part in family-based therapy fully recovered. This was a much larger percentage than the amount who fully recovered attending specialist referral centres (only 50% fully recovered). This suggests that family based therapies are extremely successful for individuals suffering from anorexia.
                        1. This is supported by Nauert who found that more than 50% of individuals who used the Maudsley method were in full remission after 1 year, compared to only 23% of using adolescent-focused therapy. Only 10% of those that took part in the Maudsley method were found to have relapsed. As this supports the findings of Legrange and Eisler, this suggests that there is reliability in saying that the maudsley method is an effective way of treating anorexia.
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