Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Explain why Emperor
Alexius Comnenus
appealed to the West for
help in 1095.
- Alexius hoped to recover the territory lost after the battle of Manzikert in 1071
- Alexius had seized the
throne in 1081 and had won
some victories but but he
was seriously stretched in
defence and lacked armed
forces to make further
- There was a long tradition
of western soldiers serving
as mercenaries for
Byzantium, most noteably
the Emperor's Varangian
- Pope Gregory VII had tried to mend
relations with Byzantium after the Great
Schism of 1054, he had tried to organise military help in 1074
- Relations between Alexius and Pope Urban II had been improving and both men
saw advantages in the Emperor's plea; Alexius would gain trained, armed soldiers
to drive the Seljuks from Anatolia, while Pope Urban would gain prestige and
help pacify western society
- Short-term issues
- Long-term issues
- This was a time of opportunity for Alexius because of divisions
within the Muslim world:, including the divisions between Sunni
and Shia Muslims and between the Seljuk Turks of Anatolia - Kilij
Arslan the Sultan of Rum against his Danishmend neighbours.
- Success was also a possibility because of the death of the Seljuk leader
Malik-Shah in 1092, N.Syria was now a war-zone, riven by civil war