Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Civil Rights Legislation
- Achievements
- Developed black upper and middle classes
- Proof of equality
- Black professionals had
significant access to higher
levels of work
- I.e. business, education government law, politicians
- Socio-economic score increased
- Men= 16 (1940), 21 (1960), 31 (1980)
- Women = 13 (1940), 21 (1960), 36 (1980)
- More blacks in
- Increased black
homeownership and
- More black children in schools
- More voted
- 1966 = 58.2%
- 1980 = 60%
- Slowed after 1968
- Limits to Success
- Wealthy blacks still
made to feel unequal
- Many felt the legislation
was sufficient and the
problem dealt with
- Affirmative Action
- Felt they were not there by merit
- Stigma from white workers
- Resulted in 'minority
quota - didn't employ
more than necessary
- Radicalisation and rioting
- People less
- Vietnam War and death of MLK
- Shifted focus away from Civil Rights
- Poor became poorer
- More fell below poverty line than 1959
- Not all schools desegregated
- Poor, black majority areas
- Black babies more likely
to die and children less
likely to succeed
- Poor living conditions
- Gang culture
- Ghettos, especially LA
- 1980 = 75% of black high school
dropouts (25-34-year-olds) had
criminal records