Gangsterism/Organised Crime - why it became powerful and popular


Edexcel iGCSE history
Niamh MacElvogue
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Niamh MacElvogue
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Gangsterism/Organised Crime - why it became powerful and popular
  1. 'Glamourisation' of the gangster
    1. Al Capone
      1. Leading gangster in Chicago
        1. Controlled speakeasies, bookmakers' joints, gambling houses, brothels etc.
          1. Admired by Americans - moved in highest social circles
            1. For the people
        2. Failure to enforce prohibition
          1. Lack of Resources
            1. Never more than 2500 Internal revenue service agents
              1. Not enough to enforce prohibition
              2. Not enough police to tackle the scale of the problem
              3. Bribery
                1. Lawbreakers bought law enforcers' silence
                  1. Al Capone had half of the local officials on his payroll
                    1. Al Capone controlled the mayor, senior police and fixed local elections
                  2. Violent Activities
                    1. St Valentine's Day massacre
                      1. Al Capone wanted to control all of Chicago's gangs
                        1. Organised shooting of several leaders of rival gangs in broad daylight
                          1. Led to realisation that gangsters weren't the glamorous people imagined
                        2. Gangster as a 'Robin Hood' figure
                          1. Al Capone was the first person to open soup kitchens after the Wall Street crash
                            1. Ordered stores to give clothes and food to the needy at his own expense
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