Heroes: key themes:


Mindmap am Heroes: key themes:, erstellt von Katie Yates am 14/01/2015.
Katie  Yates
Mindmap von Katie Yates, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Katie  Yates
Erstellt von Katie Yates vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Heroes: key themes:
  1. Heroes
    1. Anti-heroes
      1. Confronting evil
        1. Forgiveness
          1. Loneliness
            1. Appearance and reality.
    2. Heroes and the characters:
      1. * Larry Lasalle:
        1. * He is talented
          1. * He has two sides to him
            1. * Role model to the kids and a war hero.
              1. * Has an evil side
                1. * " Sweet young things"
                  1. * He has brought out the best in people, an example would be he helps Francis with hid confidence.
                    1. * " Does that one sin wipe out all of the good things"
        2. * Nicole Renard:
          1. * " Like a statue of st. Theresa, saintly pure". This is how Francis see's her.
            1. * She is also seen as a victim of Larry Lasalle.
              1. * Francis idolises her
          2. * Francis:
            1. * " I have no face"
              1. * He fell on a grenade trying to committ suicide but saved others and still survived.
                1. * He idolises Nicole
                  1. * Can be called an anti-hero, saw Nicole get raped and he just walked away.
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