Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Religion and Science
- Scientific ideas about the origins
of the world and of humanty
- Big Bang
- 14-18 billion years ago
- Started with a
release of energy
- Galaxies formed
- Gases cooled- Forming
planets and stars
- Evidence
- Continued expansion
of the universe
- Red shift
- Cosmic Background Microwave Radiation
- Evolution
- Darwin's theory
of evolution
- Species have not
always been the same
- They adapt and change
to their surroundings
- Makes it easier
to survive
- Strongest survive
- Survival of the fittest
- Humans one of
these species
- Christian ideas about the origins
of the world and of humanity
- Creation Story
- Day 1- God created
light and darkness
- Day 2- God created
sea and sky
- Day 3- God created
dry land and plant
- Day 4- God created sun
moon stars and seasons
- Day 5- God created
birds and sea monsters
- Day 6- God created
humans and animals
- Day 7- God rested
and blessed the day
- Fundamentalist- Creationist-
Takes story literally
- Liberal- Story with meaning
made to be comprehendable
- Origins of humans
- Created on day 6
- Adam and Eve placed
in Garden of Eden
- Placed in charge
of animals
- Eve disobeyed God so
they were thrown out
- The relationship between the ideas
- John Polkinghorne- Scientist
and Vicar- 'When scientists
prove order they prove God'
- Different time scales-
Creationist think it
happened 6000 years ago
- Scientist aren't
interested in God
- Religion- Why?
- Science- How?
- Science shows world
as random and chaotic
- Christians say there
was plan and purpose
- Christian views about what
sets people apart from animals
- Christians can form a
closer relationship with God
- Humans were given a soul
- 'God breathed life into Adam'
- Christian attitudes towards
animals and their treatment
- Dominion- We are in charge of the animals,
and they are ours to do as we see fit
- Christian ideas about
stewardship and their responses
to environmental issues
- Stewardship- We were created
to look after God's creations
- A Rocha
- Environmentalist group
- Volunteers look after
their local community
- Shouldn't exploit
God's creations
- 'Earth is the Lord's' -Psalm 24